Toronto Star

NDP should focus on bold policies


Re Angus counting on party roots to beat Singh, Harper, Sept. 6

Originally an occasion for soul-searching, the federal NDP’s leadership contest risks devolving into a question of who is likeliest to snatch a narrow victory in 2019. It would be more interestin­g, and ambitious, to stay focused on what the NDP can uniquely offer Canada.

Part of the offering should be a bold, hopeful platform and maybe some fresh charisma. The NDP’s disused advantage is that its favoured policies tend toward the results of free thinking, such as the recommenda­tions of public inquiries, independen­t tribunals and scientific research.

Let the Liberals burn energy convincing Canada that it can have its progressiv­e cake and eat it, too. Let the Conservati­ves spin the divisions of the day into fundamenta­l questions of identity. The NDP can afford to forsake spin and focus on organizing.

An open-ended, participat­ory connection to its base could be the NDP’s unique offering. Of the four leadership candidates, only Charlie Angus has explicitly called out this neglected connection.

A bold platform is also important and charisma lends advantage. But Justin Trudeau’s government has discovered that even a majority can be a weak foundation for keeping progressiv­e promises, if earned by such superficia­l means. Linus Rachlis, Toronto

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