Toronto Star

Who chooses cheese over the planet?


Re Veganism’s moral high ground needs some flavour to save planet, Teitel,

Sept. 13 Veganism is about much more than taking action to help save our environmen­t. It is about having compassion for and respecting the rights of living sentient beings. Stating that “doing what’s best for planet Earth at no real loss to your taste buds” trivialize­s an entire movement and the values for which it stands.

I am disappoint­ed that a writer of Teitel’s calibre chose to take such a cavalier approach to a group of people who act as advocates for the rights of others who cannot speak for themselves. Milt Gazen, Richmond Hill This is one pointless, poorly informed column from someone who has not done any research and instead just wants to grind her opinion on vegan cheese. Who cares? You don’t like it, don’t eat it, but to attack a group of people over their food choices is bizarre.

Possibly you could have investigat­ed the recent research about how eliminatin­g beef from our diet would reduce carbon emissions, but that would have involved researchin­g potentiall­y useful informatio­n, which is a lot harder than your imaginary battle for the moral high ground with vegans. Colin Whitworth, Toronto I, too, thought I would miss cheese when I began my veganism more than 20 years ago. Turns out, I didn’t

What I do miss is a stable climate. And hope for our chances as a species.

I agree that sermonizin­g “climate vegans” are annoying. I also think that anyone advocating for climate sanity or environmen­talism who still eats meat is either ignorant or insincere.

Earth simply cannot support seven billion meat-eating humans, let alone an estimated nine billion by mid-century and 11 billion by 2100.

An earlier generation “gave up” far more than eating meat to fight a threat far less dire than climate change. In contrast, Emma Teitel seems to accept that climate change “is a genuinely terrifying threat” but can’t advocate for veganism because it’s just not tasty enough. Kevin Farmer, Toronto


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