Toronto Star

Head of murdered women inquiry requests more time

As mandate nears an end, investigat­ive body crippled by delays and lack of staff


OTTAWA— The head of the inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls said Thursday that she plans to ask the government for more time to complete their work, but would not say how much is needed or whether the inquiry’s $54-million budget will still be enough.

Marion Buller, the B.C. judge who is heading the inquiry, also acknowledg­ed that “communicat­ion has been lacking” during the process so far and that — almost a year into the inquiry’s 28-month mandate — a full contingent of staff still hasn’t been hired.

She blamed the Privy Council Office, the government branch that oversees the inquiry, for bureaucrat­ic processes that have slowed progress.

“Time is always ticking for us, so if it takes a month or two months to get a computer, if it takes a month or two months to hire someone, that’s10 per cent, 20 per cent of our time,” Buller told a panel of MPs at the House of Commons’ Indigenous affairs committee, where she answered questions alongside the inquiry’s three other commission­ers.

She did not say when she will ask for an extended mandate and added that it is “premature” to say whether the inquiry will need more money.

“The end of our work is approachin­g us very quickly and every day counts,” she said.

Sabrina Williams, spokespers­on for Indigenous-Crown Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett, said in an emailed statement that the Privy Council Office is already in contact with the inquiry to resolve any issues.

“This inquiry is a vital step in ending this national tragedy and to provide justice for victims and healing for families and survivors,” she said.

The inquiry was set up last year to study the causes of violence against Indigenous women and girls.

According to the inquiry’s website, 16 per cent of women murdered in Canada between 1980 and 2012 were Indigenous, while Indigenous women make up just 4 per cent of the female population.

But the inquiry has faced criticism for months, as hearings have been delayed, victims’ families have complained about a lack of communicat­ion and key staff members have walked away from the process.

There were originally five people heading the probe for the root causes of violence against Indigenous women and girls, but commission­er Marilyn Poitras stepped down in July amid calls to restart the inquiry.

Buller also said the inquiry is overhaulin­g its communicat­ions plan in an “aggressive and strategic manner” and that it is “very close” to having a full slate of staff across the country.

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