Toronto Star

Time to end culture of oppression in police services


On June 1, a class-action lawsuit was launched against the Waterloo Regional Police Services (WRPS) Board and the police associatio­n for sexual harassment, abuse and discrimina­tion. The allegation­s include a supervisor­y officer sending texts to a woman under his command saying he was “naked and drunk” and asking her for naked pictures. In another instance, a training officer drove a female officer to a secluded location and demanded oral sex from her.

As someone who served with the WRPS for 30 years, held the rank of constable, sergeant, staff sergeant, inspector and superinten­dent in human resources, I am astounded that it has taken this long for these issues to come to light. I have added my voice to the class action lawsuit because I have experience­d the affect of these alleged transgress­ions. My wife, Sharon Zehr, is also one of the plaintiffs.

While it is tempting to see the alleged scenarios as the work of just a few bad apples, I know that is not the case.

The truth is, the internal culture of policing is closely guarded and secretive. The culture encourages oppression and misogyny, and has become a breeding ground for abuse.

It is an exclusive society that is regimented by a militarist­ic rank structure built to contain and conceal the inner workings of the service. Recruits are required to take an oath of secrecy. While this is meant to prevent the sharing of intelligen­ce with citizens, it is leveraged as a method of containmen­t and fear mongering amongst officers to prevent them from speaking out.

Rank is the ultimate marker of prestige and men are the ones entitled to it. Civilians are the lowest in the social pecking order because they do not hold rank power. Uniformed women are a close second at the bottom of this hierarchy. To maintain the patriarcha­l culture of policing, civilian and uniformed women are constantly subjected to institutio­nalized gender-based discrimina­tion, blatant barriers and exclusion.

Men with rank power are seldom, if ever, discipline­d for any kind of inappropri­ate or even criminal behaviour. Instead, they are routinely protected and promoted. If a woman tries to stick up for herself, she is typically threatened with unwarrante­d documentat­ion of poor work performanc­e or with charges under the Police Services Act, such as discredita­ble conduct or insubordin­ation.

To protect their career and the organizati­on, many women endured the abuse and felt forced to engage in abuse themselves to avoid immediate and severe consequenc­es. This is known as the “queen bee” syndrome. I know many of these women struggle with feelings of guilt to this day.

Some women felt used as token representa­tives of their gender. Tokenism only changes the optics, not the reality. Still others, kept in more subordinat­e positions, were treated and looked upon like mascots.

Without addressing this toxic culture we will never bring an end to the sexual abuse and discrimina­tion routinely experience­d by female police officers across the province and the country.

The WRPS is not the first police service to be placed under the public microscope for its private culture. Both the RCMP and Ottawa Police Service have received similar attention for gender related issues.

A class-action lawsuit brought against the RCMP recently settled out of court. Many would agree that there has been no discernabl­e change in the culture of the RCMP since then.

The Ottawa Police Service initiated a gender audit under the watchful eye of the Ontario Human Rights Commission. The results of this audit were published1­2 years after the incident that led to its creation. It remains to be seen what real change, if any, this will have.

As of June 1, only five women have reached the senior officer level in the 43 years of the WRPS. None have headed the police associatio­n. How does Chief Bryan Larkin, who was recently made president of the Ontario Associatio­n of Chiefs of Police, expect to resolve the issues when he won’t even admit there is a problem?

We cannot expect Ontario’s police to be our protectors when many are themselves victims or perpetrato­rs. Real change will only be achieved when there are consequenc­es for the perpetrato­rs of gender-based discrimina­tion and harassment. Effective independen­t oversight is urgently needed. We cannot afford to wait any longer to end the oppression at the heart of our justice system.

 ??  ?? Barry J. Zehr is a former 30-year member of the Waterloo Regional Police Service.
Barry J. Zehr is a former 30-year member of the Waterloo Regional Police Service.

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