Toronto Star

A symbolic step


As Canada celebrates its 150th year, it seems only fitting that the government should finally show respect for First Nations in the citizenshi­p oath.

The Canadian Press reports that a revised oath requiring new Canadians to “faithfully observe” this country’s treaties with Indigenous peoples is under considerat­ion. It simply requires a legislativ­e change to the Citizenshi­p Act.

The wording of the new oath was recommende­d by the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission. It reads (with the new addition in italics): “I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada including treaties with Indigenous Peoples, and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.”

Documents obtained by The Candian Press also suggest the government wants to change the script delivered at citizenshi­p ceremonies to refer to the traditiona­l territorie­s the event is taking place on, and include remarks on the history of Indigenous peoples.

At the same time, Ottawa is rewriting the study guide used for the citizenshi­p exam to include extensive references to Indigenous history and culture. All this is welcome and long overdue. As Assembly of First Nations Chief Perry Bellegarde told the Star: “It’s important new arrivals understand the importance of First Peoples to Canada’s past, present and future and our status as nations since time immemorial.”

But the symbolism of the change to the citizenshi­p oath won’t mean much if the 1.4 million Indigenous people in this country continue to suffer from poverty, unemployme­nt, lack of opportunit­y, high suicide rates, shabby housing and unclean water, broken families, high incarcerat­ion rates, and the cruel toll of missing and murdered women and girls.

Still, there is hope for more than just symbolic changes to the oath. As he unveiled cabinet changes last month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to reset what he called the federal government’s “paternalis­tic, colonial” approach to Indigenous Affairs by breaking up the ministry into two department­s headed by two ministers.

Changing words in the oath to respect First Nations, whatever the final wording, is a symbolic step but an important one. The hard work — achieving real change and recognitio­n for Indigenous peoples — still lies ahead.

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