Toronto Star

Nobel win for research on 24-hour body clock

Three Americans earn $1.4M prize for work dating back to 1984 on circadian rhythms


NEW YORK— Three Americans won a Nobel Prize on Monday for discoverin­g key genetic “gears” of the body’s 24-hour biological clock, the mechanism best known for causing jet lag when it falls out of sync.

Problems with our body clock have also been linked to such disorders as sleep problems, depression, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Researcher­s are now trying to find ways to tinker with the clock to improve human health, the Nobel committee said in Stockholm.

It awarded the $1.4-million Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Jeffrey C. Hall and Michael Rosbash, who worked together at Brandeis University in Massachuse­tts, and Michael W. Young of Rockefelle­r University in New York.

The work, done in fruit flies and dating back to 1984, identified genes and proteins that work together in people and other animals to synchroniz­e internal activities throughout the day and night.

Various clocks in the brain and elsewhere in the body, working together, regulate things like sleep patterns, eating habits and the release of hormones and blood pressure. Such 24hour patterns are called circadian rhythms.

“You recognize circadian rhythms by the fact that you get sleepy at 10 or 11at night, you wake up automatica­lly at 7 in the morning, you have a dip in your alertness in the midday, maybe at 3 or 4 in the afternoon when you need a cup of coffee, so that is the clock,” Rosbash explained.

“The fact that you go to the bathroom at a particular time of day, the fact if you travel over multiple time zones your body is screwed up for several days until you readjust — all that is a manifestat­ion of your circadian clock.”

Jay Dunlap, who studies biological clocks in bread mould at Dartmouth College’s medical school, called the Nobel-winning work “beautiful.” It helped expose the molecular details behind daily rhythms, he said. Such knowledge can be important in telling when to deliver drugs for maximum effect, and perhaps for developing new ones, he said.

Hall said that once scientists understand how the clock normally works, “that gives you a chance, not an inevitabil­ity, but a chance to influence the internal workings of the clock and possibly to improve a patient’s well-being.”

 ?? AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Jeffrey C. Hall, left, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young won the $1.4-million Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on Monday.
AFP/GETTY IMAGES Jeffrey C. Hall, left, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young won the $1.4-million Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on Monday.

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