Toronto Star

Japan feels like land of the setting sun

- Thomas Walkom Thomas Walkom appears Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

TOKYO– Japan is searching for a way back. This once supremely confident country cannot figure a path out of the economic doldrums in which it is caught. It is pinning its hopes on a truncated trade deal that may not get off the ground.

This, at least, is the impression I am left with after a whirlwind return visit to Tokyo.

It has been almost 30 years since I lived and worked here. At first blush, things seem much the same.

There are the same public service announceme­nts on the subways, urging honoured customers not to leave anything behind. There is the same level of almost intrusive politeness shown by shop owners and restaurate­urs.

Thanks to Japan’s idiosyncra­tic street numbering system, getting around Tokyo remains desperatel­y difficult. These days even the cabbies have trouble, the result I am told of deregulati­on of the taxi industry.

People keep asking me if I notice many difference­s 30 years on and I say no. Finally, in frustratio­n, one man turns to me and says; “Don’t you notice? We are depressed.”

Indeed there is a kind of weariness that I don’t remember. It has been a long time since Japan was the cock of the walk. No one talks about the Japanese miracle any more. No one has since the early ’90s when the bubble burst. Now they talk instead of the lost decades. The technical term for what Japan is experienci­ng is deflation. The economy is growing again. But growth has been so fitful that prices are falling.

You might think this shouldn’t matter much: If prices fall and incomes remain steady, real purchasing power still rises.

But psychologi­cally, deflation can be debilitati­ng. “When year after year you never get a raise, you feel that you are never getting ahead,” says one acquaintan­ce.

This malaise expresses itself as a reluctance among consumers to spend.

In order to break free, the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is banking on trade, one of the three elements of so-called Abenomics.

The other two, expansive monetary and fiscal policy, have not worked. Loose monetary policy — essentiall­y printing money — has not provided enough oomph on its own to revive the economy.

Fiscal policy has been inconsiste­nt. The government has increased spending on the one hand, which boosts domestic consumptio­n. But it has raised taxes on the other, which throttles it. Trade is the only major policy lever left.

Japan has long been a trading nation. After the Second World War, it competed mainly by offering goods at cut-rate prices. During the boom years of the ’80s, it competed in terms of quality.

So successful was Japan that in those years the government deliberate­ly dampened exports and encouraged imports in order to forestall other countries — particular­ly the United States — from imposing restrictio­ns on trade.

These days, however, China is outgunning Japan in trade. Tokyo’s policy has shifted from encouragin­g imports to boosting exports, says Kazuo Nakamura of the Japanese External Trade Organizati­on.

Most important, Japan sees its salvation in socalled rules-based trade and investment agreements — particular­ly ones requiring standards that favour more sophistica­ted economies.

 ?? AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Abe’s government is banking on trade, Thomas Walkom writes.
AFP/GETTY IMAGES Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Abe’s government is banking on trade, Thomas Walkom writes.
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