Toronto Star

Mixed emotions on Byford


Re Next stop, New York City for TTC boss, Nov. 22 TTC CEO Andy Byford will be sorely missed. I was always impressed by his matter-of-fact approach, explaining TTC issues in down-to-earth clarity. He always radiated the feeling that the TTC was in solid, capable hands. My only regret is he was unable to deter council from making that wasteful decision about the subway rather than giving Scarboroug­h a great network of transit. David B. Clemens, Toronto

As a TTC rider who has been regularly paralyzed by disruptive service during Andy Byford’s reign at our transit system, I am glad to say goodbye to Mr. Apology. New Yorkers won’t stand for the kind of service disruption­s inflicted during Byford’s tenure and his weekly apologies for poor service that he claims were out of his control. Byford is leaving simply because the transit situation in North America’s fourth-largest city is a mess that cannot be fixed with apologies. It is time to bring in an automotive engineer who understand­s technology, not another overpaid administra­tor. Mike Zichowski, Thornhill

Early in former mayor Rob Ford’s reign, I was sitting in the council chambers when Mr. Ford addressed a question to TTC staff: “Mr. Webster, which do you think is better for Scarboroug­h, an LRT or a subway?” Mr. Webster answered, “LRT is more appropriat­e for that route.” Next, Ford asked the same question of Andy Byford. Mr. Byford answered, “I’m fine with a subway.”

A month later, Webster was no longer head of the TTC and Byford had taken his place. In that position, Byford has been the willing servant of the constructi­on interests who make a fortune on over-built mega-projects that will bankrupt the TTC. Joell Ann Vanderwage­n, Oshawa

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