Toronto Star

Carry on gardening with an indoor fix

- Mark and Ben Cullen Mark Cullen is an expert gardener, author, broadcaste­r, tree advocate and holds the Order of Canada. His son Ben is a fourth-generation urban gardener. Follow them at, @markcullen­gardening.

We’re not quite ready to admit that the Canadian gardening season is “over.”

And it isn’t, if you’re like us and belong to a growing number of gardeners who get their plant fix indoors.

A Spider Plant (Chlorophyt­um comosum) in the breakfast nook, an Elephant Ear (Colocasia) in the hallway and a Christmas Cactus (Schlumberg­era) in the bathroom are stalwarts in the collection.

In Ben’s apartment, visitors can barely move for propagated tropicals: cuttings that are traded and gifted to friends as the trend takes hold among his millennial peers.

We recently had breakfast with our long-time friend and big-time plant grower Jeff Olsen, of BTN Nurseries in Schomberg.

“The ’70s are back! We are seeing more demand for house plants than we have in years,” he told us. “I think it’s part of a look that’s popular right now, and young people enjoy taking care of these things.”

House plants also have a growing online presence.

Darryl Cheng in Toronto runs an Instagram account called House Plant Journal. What began as a chronicle of his “plant parenthood” now has over 190,000 followers who seek out his daily updates and advice, from #MonsteraMo­nday to #FoliageFri­day.

When browsing images online, Cheng can tell when plants are establishe­d in their environmen­t, or when they’ve been placed into the photo.

“You can see when a plant belongs somewhere because it’s more appealing,” Cheng said during a recent phone call.

As well as adding beauty to your home or office — houseplant­s are accessible to nearly everyone since they don’t need a garden — they have a positive impact on your indoor air quality. Some tips for getting started: The first requiremen­t is light and plants’ requiremen­ts vary, so when buying, check the tag or go online to confirm what your chosen plant needs: high, medium, or low light, while some require indirect light. A skylight can be a useful source of indirect light.

As a rule of thumb, water only when the top of the soil feels dry. Overwateri­ng is more likely to kill your plant than underwater­ing. Succulents and cacti prefer to be totally dry before watering.

Most indoor plants are from tropical climates, which means they prefer a comfortabl­e temperatur­e between 18 C and 21 C.

Most indoor plants require no fertilizer through the winter, and only once every one to three months between March and September. A balanced ratio fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10, will keep them happy.

Start simple. A Pothos or a Spider Plant are both incredibly robust and will help novice indoor-gardeners build confidence.

It is worth noting that both plants are recommende­d in the NASA Clear Air Study for their efficacy in purifying indoor air.

Try cuttings. This is a free way to multiply your riches. Cut healthy shoots of new growth right below a leaf joint, and remove lower leaves. Put the cuttings in a jar of water or push them halfway into moist soil; within a few weeks, roots will start to form. Once a few good roots have developed, plant in a pot with goodqualit­y potting mix.

Orchids are easy to grow and oh-so accessible. There are various groups — such as the Southern Ontario Orchid Society — that help novices learn about orchids and network with people with a common interest. SOOS’s annual show, at the Toronto Botanical Garden every February, attracts thousands of orchid growers and hobbyists.

Share! Like everything, the joy of gardening is greatest when shared. Propagate new plants to give to your friends and family, or reach out to any of the various growers’ societies who are active through winter. Start some now as Christmas gifts — and post your pictures on Instagram.

 ?? DARRYL CHENG @HOUSEPLANT­JOURNAL ?? Snake plants are "usually braided, but this one was grown naturally," says house-plant enthusiast Darryl Cheng.
DARRYL CHENG @HOUSEPLANT­JOURNAL Snake plants are "usually braided, but this one was grown naturally," says house-plant enthusiast Darryl Cheng.
 ?? DARRYL CHENG @HOUSEPLANT­JOURNAL ?? Cheng shows the bambino version of a fiddle leaf fig tree. It’s a good choice for winter gardeners who want an indoor plant fix.
DARRYL CHENG @HOUSEPLANT­JOURNAL Cheng shows the bambino version of a fiddle leaf fig tree. It’s a good choice for winter gardeners who want an indoor plant fix.
 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? A spider plant is recommende­d for its ability to purify indoor air.
DREAMSTIME A spider plant is recommende­d for its ability to purify indoor air.
 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Christmas cactus cuttings can be traded and gifted to friends.
DREAMSTIME Christmas cactus cuttings can be traded and gifted to friends.
 ??  ??

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