Toronto Star

Why not get all the facts?


What don’t Toronto city councillor­s want to know about the controvers­ial plan to extend the subway into Scarboroug­h?

Why are they so determined not to find out all they can about a project that’s now estimated to cost $3.35 billion — and in all likelihood will end up costing considerab­ly more?

We ask in the wake of Toronto council’s decision this week to yet again reject a so-called value-for-money study of the project.

Councillor Josh Matlow put forward a motion that would have directed the city’s auditor-general to conduct a side-by-side comparison of the costs and benefits of the one-stop subway plan and the alternativ­e proposal to build a new light-rail line into Scarboroug­h.

Matlow framed his request in the simplest of terms. “Before we invest billions of dollars,” he said, “we should have the most relevant, basic facts in front of us about whether or not there is value for every dollar invested.”

Makes sense. But councillor­s quickly came back with their answer: we don’t want to know. By a vote of 13-27 they rejected the idea of a thorough cost analysis. It was the second time they’ve done that.

Of course, there’s really no mystery. The majority of councillor­s, plus a lot of other politician­s at all levels of government, long ago made a political decision to bring the subway to Scarboroug­h no matter what.

It doesn’t matter that a subway line — especially the one-stop version that’s now on the table — isn’t the best way to improve transit for most people in Scarboroug­h. Especially for the lower-income neighbourh­oods that could be reached by a more extensive LRT line with far more stops.

It doesn’t matter that the cost keeps rising even as the promised service gets cut back (from three stops to just one now). The estimated cost of $3.35 billion is bound to rise — city staff say it might be as much as 50-per-cent higher, or just over $5 billion.

The work needed to make a better estimate will be done next year, but it isn’t scheduled to be made public until a staff report to city council is issued early in 2019. In other words, the city plans to sit on vital informatio­n about the cost of this crucial project until after the October, 2018, municipal election.

At the very least, that should be changed. Voters deserve to have the fullest informatio­n possible when they vote. If the cost of the subway extension changes, let’s know at the earliest possible date.

There’s a clear pattern here. Councillor­s seem determined to make sure the public finds out the least amount possible about the Scarboroug­h extension plan.

They don’t want a thorough study of how it would stack up against the light-rail alternativ­e. And they’re going along with a schedule that will delay publicatio­n of updated cost estimates for the subway extension as long as possible.

In other words, they don’t want to know — and they don’t want voters to know.

There is, in fact, an argument for extending the Bloor-Danforth subway line into Scarboroug­h. Karen Stintz, former chair of the TTC, made it this week in She asked why new subway stops in York Region are being hailed while there’s vocal opposition to bringing that service to Scarboroug­h, with its 600,000 residents. It isn’t fair, she said.

Fine — there’s certainly a case to be made for transit equity. But it shouldn’t be made in a state of ignorance. It’s unconscion­able for city council to deny itself and the public the fullest possible informatio­n on such a costly plan.

In the end, the politician­s get to decide. But they — and we — should know what trade-offs are involved and what we’ll end up paying for the choices they make.

What don’t Toronto city councillor­s want to know about the controvers­ial plan to extend the subway into Scarboroug­h?

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