Toronto Star

Grant money not reaching poor students

Tens of millions being used by school boards to cover other costs


Tens of millions of dollars earmarked for Ontario’s most vulnerable students, who are poor or new to the country, are instead being used by school boards to cover other costs, the Auditor General of Ontario has found.

That’s largely because of an outdated funding formula that leaves boards scrambling to cover shortfalls in areas such as special education and gives them huge discretion in whether they use grants the way they are intended, Bonnie Lysyk said in her annual report Wednesday.

At the Toronto Catholic District School Board — one of four boards examined in the report — half of the $46.5 million targeted for needy students through the Learning Opportunit­ies Grant was not used for that purpose in the 2015-16 school year.

Instead, that money was diverted to help pay for teacher salaries and special education, the report said.

Of the $23.9 million the Catholic board received for English as a second language (ESL) students, only 58 per cent was used for that purpose.

Some of the cash went to teachers salaries and special education, provincial auditor found

The rest went “to alleviate cost pressures in other areas,” Lysyk found.

A major cost pressure cited in the report was the explosion of sick days taken by Ontario teachers and other board staff over the last five years.

They are entitled to take up to 131 sick days of the194-day school year at almost full pay.

But Lysyk said the root of the disarray is a funding formula almost 20 years overdue for an overhaul and the fact that school board grants are based on outdated census data, which means grants aren’t properly designated to meet needs.

For example, 80 per cent of Ontario’s 72 school boards currently spend more on special education than the amount the province allocates, which is determined by total enrolment at each board, rather than on the actual number of stu- dents who need special ed services.

While the ministry doles out funds for specific purposes, boards have discretion on how to use 84 per cent of operating funds they receive, including the majority of money directed to at-risk students. That opens the door for a system that some critics have described as “robbing Peter to pay Paul.”

Lysyk says the result is a situation where “the needs that these grants were originally intended to meet are potentiall­y not being met.”

While the Toronto Catholic board didn’t violate the rules by redirectin­g funds, the report highlights the contentiou­s question of how much flexibilit­y boards should have when it comes to grants intended to level the playing field for students facing such barriers as poverty, hunger or whose parents have little education.

Earlier this year, the Toronto District School Board came under fire in a report from the research and advocacy group Social Planning Toronto, which blasted it for diverting $61 million — or half the learning opportunit­ies grant money that was discretion­ary — to other budget line items.

Lysyk’s report also flagged the fact that because of the way boards report their expenditur­es, the Ministry of Education doesn’t have an accurate picture of what exactly funds diverted from the learning opportunit­ies grant are paying for.

The director of the Toronto Catholic board says the board was operating within the spirit of the grant by using those funds for special educa- tion “to support students who are at risk of not succeeding” and to cover salaries for staff who teach all children.

Ensuring boards have flexibilit­y is key because benchmarks are based on provincewi­de indicators, but boards need to meet their specific local needs, Rory McGuckin said in an interview.

“If the ministry wanted to restrict greater funds they certainly have the ability to do so,” he said.

But, “I believe we need that ability to manipulate the funds in a proper way to deal with the local context.”

The need for board flexibilit­y was echoed by Laurie French, who is the president of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Associatio­n, who said money from the learning opportunit­ies grants used to cover other costs are “in fact still supports for at-risk students,” but in different ways.

Public education advocate Annie Kidder says the key point in Lysyk’s report is the urgent need to overhaul the funding formula.

Its flaws leave boards constantly shifting money to pay for such crucial services as special education, says Kidder, executive director of People for Education, which raised those problems in its 2017 annual report.

Kidder worries that, as a result, the original intent of the learning opportunit­ies grant, which was to address equity by supporting students in need, “has been lost.”

Education Minister Mitzie Hunter said in a statement Wednesday that the funding formula has undergone “significan­t transforma­tion” as a result of annual consultati­on in the last few years.

“As a result, nearly 90 per cent of the funding formula grants have been changed or enhanced since 2013 to better support school boards and student achievemen­t.”

Funding formula flaws leave boards constantly shifting money to pay for such crucial services as special education, advocate says

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