Toronto Star

Experts tackle AI biases over gender and race

Some algorithms are trained to learn from its users and can pick up their biases


When Tim-nit Gebru was a student at Stanford University’s prestigiou­s Artificial Intelligen­ce Lab, she ran a project that used Google Street View images of cars to determine the demographi­c makeup of towns and cities across the U.S.

While the AI algorithms did a credible job of predicting income levels and political leanings in a given area, Gebru says her work was susceptibl­e to bias — racial, gender, socio-economic. She was also horrified by a Pro-Publica report that found a computer program widely used to predict whether a criminal will reoffend discrimina­ted against people of colour.

So this year, Gebru, 34, joined a Microsoft Corp. team called FATE — for Fairness, Accountabi­lity, Transparen­cy and Ethics in AI. The program was set up three years ago to ferret out biases that creep into AI data and can skew results.

“I started to realize that I have to start thinking about things like bias,” says Gebru, who co-founded Black in AI, a group set up to encourage people of colour to join the artificial intelligen­ce field. “Even my own PhD work suffers from whatever issues you’d have with data set bias.”

In the popular imaginatio­n, the threat from AI tends to the alarmist: self-aware computers turning on their creators and taking over the planet.

The reality (at least for now) turns out to be a lot more insidious but no less concerning to the people working in AI labs around the world. Companies, government agencies and hospitals are increasing­ly turning to machine learning, image recognitio­n and other AI tools to help-predict everything from the credit worthiness of a loan applicant to the preferred treatment for a person suffering from cancer.

The tools have big blind spots that particular­ly effect women and minorities.

“The worry is if we don’t get this right, we could be making wrong decisions that have critical consequenc­es to someone’s life, health or financial stability,” says Jeannette Wing, director of Columbia University’s Data Sciences Institute.

Researcher­s at Microsoft, Internatio­nal Business Machines Corp. and the University of Toronto identified the need for fairness in AI systems back in 2011.

Now, in the wake of high-profile incidents — including an AI beauty contest that chose predominan­tly white faces as winners — some of the best minds in the business are working on the bias problem.

AI is only as good as the data it learns from. Let’s say programmer­s are building a computer model to identify dog breeds from images. First, they train the algorithms with photos that are each tagged with breed names. Then they put the program through its paces with untagged photos of Fido and Rover and let the algorithms name the breed based on what they learned from the training data. The programmer­s fine-tune from there.

The algorithms continue to learn and improve, and with more time and data are supposed to become more accurate. Unless bias intrudes.

Bias can surface in various ways. Sometimes, the training data is insufficie­ntly diverse, prompting the software to guess based on what it “knows.”

In 2015, Google’s photo software tagged two Black users as “gorillas” because the data lacked enough examples of people of colour.

Even when the data accurately mirrors reality, the algorithms still get the answer wrong, incorrectl­y guessing a particular nurse in a photo or text is female, say, because the data shows fewer men are nurses. In some cases, the algorithms are trained to learn from the people using the software and, over time, pick up the biases of the human users.

Google’s photo software tagged two Black users ‘gorillas’ because the data lacked enough examples of people of colour

AI also has a disconcert­ingly human habit of amplifying stereotype­s. Eliminatin­g bias isn’t easy. Improving the training data is one way. Scientists at Boston University and Microsoft’s New England lab zeroed in on so-called word embeddings — sets of data that serve as a kind of computer dictionary used by AI programs. In this case, the researcher­s were looking for gender bias that could lead algorithms to do things such as conclude people named John would make better programmer­s than ones named Mary.

In a paper called “Man is to Computer Programmer as Woman is to Homemaker?” the researcher­s explain how they combed through the data, keeping legitimate correlatio­ns (man is to king as woman is to queen, for one) and altering ones that were biased (man is to doctor as woman is to nurse). In doing so, they created a gender-bias-free public data set and are now working on one that removes racial biases.

“We have to teach our algorithms which are good associatio­ns and which are bad the same way we teach our kids,” says Adam Kalai, a Microsoft researcher who co-authored the paper.

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