Toronto Star

Scheer sees an opening with Liberal left turn


OTTAWA— Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer wants to court Liberal voters disaffecte­d by the governing party’s perceived shift to the political left.

In a year-end interview with the Star last week, Scheer said one of his challenges in 2019 will be to persuade fiscally conservati­ve Liberal voters to “take a look” at the Conservati­ve party.

“The Liberals have moved so far to the left, they’re basically trying to make the NDP irrelevant. And in doing that, it creates a challenge” for the Conservati­ves, Scheer said in his Centre Block office.

“But it also creates an opportunit­y. Because I believe there are going to be more and more people that the Liberals leave behind … My challenge is convincing them to take a look at the Conservati­ve party.”

“I think we’re into an age where politics is much more dynamic . . . anything is possible in 2019.” ANDREW SCHEER CONSERVATI­VE PARTY LEADER

Scheer acknowledg­ed that has not been the traditiona­l path to power for his party. Under Canada’s first-past-the-post electoral system, the Conservati­ves tend to benefit from strong NDP showings, with left-leaning voters split between Liberal and New Democratic parties.

But the 38-year-old Scheer, who came from behind to secure the Conservati­ve leadership last May, said he thinks “historical convention­s” don’t necessaril­y hold in politics anymore.

“I think we’re into an age where politics is much more dynamic, where some of the old brand loyalties where people identify themselves as a Conservati­ve, as a Liberal, as an NDP (are still) there, but I don’t think it’s as prominent as it used to be,” Scheer said.

“And I think anything is possible in 2019.”

Scheer said despite losing two Conservati­ve seats in recent byelection­s, there are “a lot of reasons for optimism” as his party begins the crucial work of assembling a platform.

The party is still fundraisin­g well, and14 contenders for this year’s leadership contest grew the party’s membership list to more than 250,000.

Scheer also pointed to Conservati­ve candidate Dasong Zou’s secondplac­e finish in the Scarboroug­h-Agincourt byelection — receiving 40 per cent of the vote, nine points behind Liberal MP Jean Yip.

But a second-place finish is unlikely to dull the sting of losing two Conservati­ve ridings to Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party. And recent public polling suggests that, despite months of Conservati­ve hammering in the House of Commons, the Liberals remain difficult to beat.

A poll conducted between Dec. 12 and 14 by Forum Research put the two parties neck and neck — the Lib- erals at 38 per cent, the Conservati­ves at 39 per cent, with a margin of error of 3 percentage points. But the poll is something of an outlier among other recent national polls, including Nanos Research and Abacus Data, which put the Liberals between eight and 12 points ahead of the Conservati­ves — largely unchanged from the results of the 2015 election.

Horserace polls two years out from an election may be of questionab­le value. A lot can and will change be- tween now and the 2019 election. But one finding is consistent among polling companies: people don’t know much about who Andrew Scheer is.

The Forum poll found that while 28 per cent of respondent­s approve of Scheer, the exact same percentage disapprove of him. But most respondent­s — 44 per cent — said they “don’t know” if they approve or disapprove of the Conservati­ve leader’s job so far.

So on Dec. 20, Scheer found himself at a legion hall in Manotick, Ont., a small, rural community about a halfhour’s drive from Parliament Hill along the Rideau River.

About 100 people — mostly seniors — took time from their pre-holiday errands to hear Scheer’s pitch. The venue almost underscore­s that pitch: more church basements than arenas, more community centres than internatio­nal summits.

Scheer acknowledg­ed that he needs to work harder to “introduce” himself to Canadians.

“A big part of (being) leader of the opposition, you’ve got to introduce yourself to people because in the nature of our business, the prime minister does get a lot of extra attention because he holds that post,” Scheer said, calling that “normal.”

Scheer told the crowd his team had been in the midst of deciding which topics they’d push on the 2017 summer barbecue circuit when Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced plans to reform small-business taxes.

“And as we were in the process of trying to figure out what we would make the main subject material of our summer tour, the types of things we wanted to get people talking about, the Liberals decided to do that for us,” Scheer said.

Six months into his tenure as Conservati­ve leader that seems to have been Scheer’s approach: defining his party predominan­tly by what they are not — namely Justin Trudeau’s Liberals. Aside from the broad strokes of a standard conservati­ve vision — free markets, free individual­s, balanced budgets and smaller government — Scheer did not give the crowd specifics on how he’d actually run the country differentl­y.

Back in his Centre Block office, he told the Star those specifics will largely wait for 2018, as the party looks toward a policy conference in Halifax next August.

“We’re a grassroots party and our membership does have the say in what our policies are as a party. And it’s the parliament­ary team’s job to translate that into specific campaign platform items,” Scheer said.

“We’re going to pivot from Halifax into starting to craft an actual campaign platform and then take some time to communicat­e it to Canadians.”

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 ?? BRUCE CAMPION-SMITH/TORONTO STAR ?? With the next federal election two years away, Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer says he needs to “introduce” himself to Canadians.
BRUCE CAMPION-SMITH/TORONTO STAR With the next federal election two years away, Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer says he needs to “introduce” himself to Canadians.

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