Toronto Star

Niall Ferguson on the power of networks over the years

New book analyzes history through different eras, hierarchic­al structures and technology’s influence

- Robert Collison is a Toronto writer and editor. ROBERT COLLISON SPECIAL TO THE STAR

The influentia­l British historian Niall Ferguson is the sort of polymath intellectu­al prone to painting historical narratives with broad-brush strokes. His new book, The Square and the Tower: Networks and Power from the Freemasons to Facebook, is an opus whose central thesis will appeal to millions of global “netizens” hard-wired to Facebook, Instagram and countless other social-media networks

The book’s big idea is simple: history is characteri­zed by long stretches of time when hierarchic­al structures dominate human life, interspers­ed with more dynamic eras when smaller, looser networks have the advantage, thanks in large measure to changes in technology.

Ferguson argues that, sometime in the 1970s, we entered a new “networked age” with the advent of the internet — although it wasn’t until1996 that, Ferguson notes, Grateful Dead lyricist John Perry Barlow’s famous Declaratio­n of the Independen­ce of Cyberspace: “We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force or station of birth.”

Such idealistic cant is characteri­stic of revolution­ary eras when a socially stratified state loosens its iron grip. Still, as Ferguson points out, “For most of human history, life has been hierarchic­al. A few enjoyed privileges that come with monopolizi­ng power. Everyone else has dug.” But two events in the15th century — the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg and the discovery of “new worlds” by European explorers — launched the world’s first “networked era” and changed human history forever. Europe modernized; Asia did not. From Ferguson’s perspectiv­e, “This ‘great divergence’ . . . is the most striking feature of economic history from the fifteenth to the late twentieth century.”

The first networked era eventually flamed out in the wake of the chaos unleashed by the French Revolution. But “order” was restored with a new hierarchic­al “balance of power” between a “pentarchy” of five great powers — Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Austria — after Waterloo. This equilibriu­m collapsed in 1914 but was restored, ghoulishly, in the 1930s and 1940 with the rise of the most centrally controlled states of all times: Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany and Mao’s China.

Complement­ing Ferguson’s big-theme tour d’horizon are profiles of private networks whom conspiracy theorists believe were secretly pulling the strings behind the scenes. For the most part Ferguson debunks such claims. But his take on everything from the Illuminati to the Rothschild­s to the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to George Soros to Facebook is fascinatin­g nonetheles­s.

For those who believe humanity makes its greatest strides when the hierarchic­al shackles weaken, however, Ferguson concludes with a stark rejoinder — and brings us to the here and now.

“Those who favour a world run by networks will not end up with an interconne­cted utopia of their dreams but rather with a world prone to pathologie­s in which malignant sub-networks exploit the opportunit­ies of the World Wide Web to spread virus-like memes and mendacity.”

That’s dark. But it bears considerat­ion given current concerns with issues such as the interferen­ce in elections by state and non-state cyberbulli­es.

 ??  ?? The Square and the Tower, Niall Ferguson, Penguin Press, 592 pages, $40.
The Square and the Tower, Niall Ferguson, Penguin Press, 592 pages, $40.
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