Toronto Star


An author tells the story of arriving, then thriving, as a Sikh in Canada.


Look up “immigrant” in different languages, and you’ll notice something interestin­g: The word sounds nearly the same in lots of tongues.

“Immigrant” is “immigrant” in Afrikaans, “imigrant” in Bulgarian and “yímín” in Chinese. Filipino speakers use the term “imigrante.”

The explanatio­n for this linguistic quirk is simple and fascinatin­g: The word — and concept — was invented in the United States in the early 19th century.

Before then people moved from place to place. Our fore-species travelled out of Africa and across Asia nearly two million years ago. In the 1600s, colonialis­m brought about 240,000 Europeans to American ports. The history of the world is a story of dislocatio­n and movement.

But for the most part, these great waves of people were called emigrants, or migrants. They were defined more by their decision to leave than by where they ended up.

That changed in 1829, when Noah Webster coined the term “immigrant” in his American Dictionary of the English Language.

In it, he included the term immigrant along with commigrate and emigrate. His linguistic analysis of the prefix (and his nationalis­t impulses) brought him to this definition: “to remove into a country for the purposes of permanent residence.” His definition boasted two key innovation­s: It made immigratio­n about arriving somewhere new, not leaving. And it was, by definition, permanent.

That conception stuck. As expert Neil Larry Shumsky writes in his paper on the subject, nearly every subsequent dictionary has adapted that definition, nearly word for word.

Webster, in effect, had coined one of the most important political terms in Amer- ican life. He had done so at a moment when the concept of the nation-state was becoming more central to our understand­ing of our selves. The 19th-century rise of nationalis­m brought with it a nasty streak of ethnocentr­ism. Some people belonged. Some did not.

Of course, Webster was writing before the mass migrations of the 19th century. He had no idea that immigratio­n would define the U.S. for centuries to come, or that we’d still be fighting about it today.

But as Shumsky writes, Webster unwittingl­y laid out the terms of the debate:

“By telling Americans that immigratio­n involves coming from another country, Webster set up an us-versus-them opposition, foreigner against native-born. By telling Americans that immigratio­n is permanent and involves the intent of residence, Webster encouraged them to fear that in time they might be displaced, their cities overrun and their jobs jeopardize­d.”

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