Toronto Star

Canada can help fight U.S. gun carnage


Re Trump offers no specific actions after massacre, Dale, Feb. 16

I am an American citizen who, like so many others, feels helpless as we see no action taken by our politician­s to curb the violence happening in our schools and across our nation. We write letters, emails, tweets and send phone calls to our politician­s. We sign petitions. We protest. It seems, however, that we have lost our leaders to the lobbyists and it is my belief that we need an internatio­nal body to intervene.

With this in mind, I am writing to ask any and all Canadian citizens to write your UN ambassador and ask that he put forth a resolution to the UN asking that sanctions be imposed against the United States until such time as the U.S. bans assault weapons.

I don’t know if this has any chance of success, but my country does not represent me, and my country is lost. My country is killing our children. Please, Canada, help us. Justin DeLand, Branford, Conn.

As a Canadian-American citizen and a young university student, the horrifying Florida school shooting has struck a chord of anger deep in my core. What will it take for lawmakers to make a change? How many families will have to suffer the loss of their loved ones before something is done? And when is Canada going to fully acknowledg­e these events, especially in the context of our school system? Lucinda Barrett, Fort Erie

American schools have become the new killing fields, thanks to Republican lawmakers who have turned a blind eye to the fact that guns kill.

Japan, which has the strictest gun laws in the world, has reduced its gun-related deaths to nearly zero, while the United States has more than 15,000 per year.

Unfortunat­ely, the National Rifle Associatio­n is fully aware that once the protests of anti-gun lobbyists, vigils for the victims and the anguish of victims’ mothers have faded from the public eye, it will be business as usual. Max Desouza, Toronto


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