Toronto Star

Reassess Scarboroug­h subway


Re Stop this boondoggle, Editorial, April 17 Your editorial on the Scarboroug­h subway extension provides some legitimate insight into the ineptitude of our city council and the politicall­y based manoeuvrin­g of Mayor John Tory and buttkissin­g city staff.

How in the world can staff recommend, and council approve, an obviously inadequate analysis of such a significan­t capital expenditur­e? Kudos to the Star’s Jennifer Pagliaro for digging into the meat of what surely will be a financial catastroph­e the people of Toronto will be on the hook for for many years to come.

It’s time for this duplicity to end. Staff should be instructed to competentl­y prepare a detailed analysis and comparison of the two (or more) options, and provide a comprehens­ive summary and recommenda­tion for council review, along with their reasoning. It is council’s job and obligation to meet the financial and social needs of our citizens. Wasteful, politicall­y motivated and self-serving actions are not what we put them in office to do. Steve Craine, Toronto

Yes, let’s stop this one-stop boondoggle. The only problem is: which candidates for mayor or council have the intestinal fortitude to do so? Even our esteemed former planner Jennifer Keesmaat joined the one-stoppers before she left for greener pastures. William Lynn, Toronto

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