Toronto Star

Partisansh­ip is destroying our democracy


Re MPPs are losing their personal power, Speaker warns, Cohn, May 1

Speaker Dave Levac is spot on. Over the decades, power has increasing­ly been centred in a leader’s office. When individual members lose control of what they can say and do, then eventually the debates become hollow, meaningles­s. The issues have been decided before a bill reaches the floor of the house.

Yet, there is something even more destructiv­e of our parliament­ary democracy. Partisansh­ip is poisoning the well. I served as Chief Whip at a time when all that was needed was a handshake. Trust was a given. Friendship flourished across party lines as newly elected members discovered they could be friends with someone across the aisle and political difference­s were set aside. The irony is that when we listen to each, trust each other, respect each other, then good governance will flow.

I commend Speaker Levac for his forthright assessment and hope that all those who will be elected on June 7 take his words to heart. David Warner, former speaker, Toronto

Most cops share Lam’s skills

Re De Adder cartoon, May 1 Michael De Adder’s editorial cartoon, in which Const. James Forcillo is replaced by Const. Ken Lam at the streetcar shooting, implies that Lam is the only Toronto officer capable of using good judgment.

There is no doubt Const. Lam did an excellent job in apprehendi­ng the suspect and deserves the accolades he is receiving. But I think most officers, given their training and level of profession­alism, would have done it the same way with the same conclusion. M. Benson, Brampton

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