Toronto Star

Students with disabiliti­es being left behind

Ontario education system fails special-needs pupils, report by advocates says


They are excluded from classrooms, left out of field trips and they don’t get the tools or extra staff they need to help them learn.

Their parents are asked to keep them home from school, pick them up early and must fight hard to get them the supports they are legally entitled to.

This is the reality for students with intellectu­al disabiliti­es and their families in Ontario, according to a new report released Friday, which provides a rare look at how this vulnerable group is faring in school.

Despite their legal right to inclusive education, these students face “daunting” academic and social barriers that can leave them excluded, vulnerable to bullying and set them up for low expectatio­ns for the future, said the report, a joint project by experts in disabiliti­es law and education, and advocacy groups such as Community Living Ontario.

“These results paint a stark picture of how the education system fails to serve students who have intellectu­al disabiliti­es,” it said, adding that “significan­t measures need to be taken in order to ensure these obligation­s are met.”

The findings revealed parents who are overwhelme­d, under emotional and financial stress trying to support their children and in constant conflict with schools and boards.

More than half of parents reported their child was not receiving proper academic accommodat­ions, which can range from teaching techniques to a special needs assistant or technology, and had been denied learning opportunit­ies. Almost two-thirds said their child had been excluded from extracurri­cular activities, and a third said their child didn’t have access to an educationa­l assistant when needed.

Two-thirds reported conflict at the classroom level over their children’s education, threequart­ers with school administra­tors, and 56 per cent had battled with their school board.

Many felt the onus was on them to initiate communicat­ion about, or request meetings on, their child’s progress and accommodat­ions.

But the report stressed that, despite “ubiquitous conflict,” many parents cited the positive impact of school principals and teachers when they receive the training and support necessary to help special-needs students access the curriculum and reach their potential.

Those kind of positive relationsh­ips can “make or break a school experience” for those students, said report co-author Luke Reid, staff lawyer with Arch Disability Law Centre. He said the research captures a lot of the problems faced across the special-education system.

The findings resonate with Dorlean Lieghfars-Rotolo of Toronto, whose 19-year-old daughter Jessica has Down syndrome and is a Toronto high school student. Jessica was in a regular class, with extra help outside the classroom for English and math, at her Catholic elementary school.

Lieghfars-Rotolo said it was a constant struggle to make sure the right supports were in place and that Jessica would be encouraged to learn, not face low expectatio­ns. She went on field trips so that Jessica would be included and was a vigilant presence at the school.

But by the pre-teen years, she noticed her daughter started to be left out and was often alone. Fearing Jessica would not get the social or academic supports she needed in a regular high school, the family enrolled her in Heydon Park Secondary School, an all-girls public school that focuses on special needs, where her daughter is happy and doing well.

“I would love her to be in an integrated classroom if it was with a teacher who could handle that,” said Lieghfars-Rotolo. “This was the best option.

“We saw the failings of the system for our daughter.”

 ??  ?? Dorlean LieghfarsR­otolo, with daughter Jessica, who has Down syndrome, says she and her husband had a constant battle to make sure Jessica received appropriat­e accommodat­ion in school.
Dorlean LieghfarsR­otolo, with daughter Jessica, who has Down syndrome, says she and her husband had a constant battle to make sure Jessica received appropriat­e accommodat­ion in school.

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