Toronto Star

Handshake seen around the world

Trump, Kim meet in Singapore for historic summit


SINGAPORE— President Donald Trump shook hands with Kim Jong Un of North Korea on Tuesday and welcomed the start of a “terrific relationsh­ip,” a momentous step in an improbable courtship that has opened a new chapter for the world’s largest nuclear power and the most reclusive one.

Brash, impulsive leaders who only a few months ago taunted each other across a nuclear abyss, Trump and Kim had set aside their threats in a gamble that for now, at least, personal diplomacy can counteract decades of enmity and distrust.

In a carefully choreograp­hed encounter, Trump and Kim strode toward each other, arms extended, in the red-carpeted reception area of a Singapore hotel built on the site of a British colonial outpost — the first time a sitting U.S. president and North Korean leader have ever met.

Posing for photograph­s, Trump put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. Then the two, alone except for their interprete­rs, walked off to meet privately in an attempt to resolve the crisis over North Korea’s nuclear program.

“I feel really great,” Trump said. “It’s gonna be a great discussion and I think tremendous success. I think it’s gonna be really successful and I think we will have a terrific relationsh­ip, I have no doubt.”

Kim said: “It was not easy to get here. There were obstacles but we overcame them to be here.”

Whether they will succeed is, of course, highly questionab­le.

Their negotiator­s failed to make much headway in working-level meetings beforehand, leaving Trump and Kim with little common ground before what could be months or even years of talks.

But this is a negotiatio­n that follows no known playbook: Two headstrong men — one 34 years old, the other 71; products of wealth and privilege, but with lives so unlike each other that they could be from different planets — coming together to search for a deal that eluded their predecesso­rs.

“I just think it’s going to work out very nicely,” Trump said Monday, with the confident tone he has used from the moment in March when he accepted Kim’s invitation to meet.

Even as he spoke, American and North Korean diplomats were struggling in a last-minute negotiatio­n to bridge gaps on some of the most basic issues dividing the two sides, including the terms and timing under which the North would surrender its nuclear arsenal.

The goal of the negotiator­s was to lock down the language of a joint communiqué to be issued by Trump and Kim at the end of their meeting. If robust and detailed, such a statement could serve as a road map for future negotiatio­ns between the sides — and proof that this meeting was more than a mere photo opportunit­y.

At least 2,500 journalist­s from around the world were on hand to chronicle what some officials said would amount to an extravagan­t meet-and-greet exercise. Even if successful, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo predicted, it would only inaugurate a lengthy, complicate­d and risky process.

Still, the meeting between Trump and Kim represents a turnaround that would have been inconceiva­ble just a few months ago, when both men were hurling insults at each other and threatenin­g a nuclear conflict that rattled friend and foe alike.

In the last year alone, Kim has conducted his nation’s most powerful nuclear test and developed missiles capable of striking U.S. cities. Trump responded by threatenin­g to unleash “fire and fury like the world has never seen.”

Asudden change in tone started in January, when Kim, in a gesture of reconcilia­tion, offered to send athletes to the Winter Olympics in South Korea. It was the beginning of a public relations makeover for the young dictator, who only a few months later invited Trump to meet with him.

Both sides are now considerin­g a formal end to the Korean War, putting to rest a Cold Warera conflict that by some estimates killed 5 million people.

The communiqué at the conclusion of their meeting is likely to have three sections — on denucleari­zation, security guarantees for the North and steps to be taken by both sides — according to a person briefed on the talks.

But it was not clear that the Americans succeeded in extracting a more detailed commitment to disarmamen­t than North Korea had offered in talks with previous administra­tions. On Monday, the White House reverted to tried-and-true diplomatic language, saying it sought complete, verifiable and irreversib­le denucleari­zation “on the Korean Peninsula” — a phrase first used in 1992, in a joint declaratio­n between North and South Korea. It had earlier insisted on complete, verifiable and irreversib­le denucleari­zation.

North Korea has in the past interprete­d the phrase “on the Korean Peninsula” as requiring the United States to scale back U.S. troop deployment­s in South Korea or even to shrink its so-called nuclear umbrella over two East Asian allies, South Korea and Japan.

Pompeo insisted Monday, before Trump’s meeting, that the administra­tion’s policy had not changed.

But he confirmed that the United States would offer security assurances that were different from previous U.S. offers under Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. He declined to outline them.

“We’re prepared to take actions that will provide them sufficient certainty that they can be comfortabl­e that denucleari­zation isn’t something that ends badly for them — indeed, just the opposite, that it leads to a better, brighter future for the North Korean people,” he said.

“The concept for these discussion­s is radically different than ever before,” Pompeo said. For Trump, Monday was a brief intermissi­on between the tumult of an acrimoniou­s G-7 meeting in Canada over the weekend and the looming spectacle of his encounter with Kim.

Trump stayed largely out of sight in the Shangri-La Hotel, where he has been closeted with aides since landing in Singapore on Sunday evening. Less than a mile away, as if in a rival armed camp, Kim billeted at his own equally fortified hotel, the St. Regis.

But on Monday evening, Kim went out on the town. Engaging in some role reversal with Trump, he visited the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, a striking resort owned by Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon G. Adelson. He took selfies with Singaporea­n officials.

To negotiate the terms of the joint statement, the administra­tion recruited Sung Y. Kim, a seasoned North Korea negotiator now serving as U.S. ambassador to the Philippine­s, to lead that effort.

Sung Kim and a small group of diplomats held a series of talks last week with the North Koreans in the town of Panmunjom, the so-called truce village in the Demilitari­zed Zone between North and South Korea.

People briefed on the meetings said American negotiator­s had found it difficult to make significan­t headway with the North Koreans, in part because the White House did not back them up in taking a hard line.

 ?? SAUL LOEB/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump shake hands before heading to a private meeting Tuesday morning in Singapore.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump shake hands before heading to a private meeting Tuesday morning in Singapore.
 ?? EVAN VUCCI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? U.S. President Donald Trump and negotiator­s, including John Bolton, Mike Pompeo and John Kelly, meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un earlier today.
EVAN VUCCI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. President Donald Trump and negotiator­s, including John Bolton, Mike Pompeo and John Kelly, meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un earlier today.

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