Toronto Star

Trump embarrasse­s Americans at G7


We are writing to apologize to Justin Trudeau and the people of Canada for the abhorrent and repulsive behaviour of Donald Trump. It is impossible to tell if he is mentally ill, ignorant or evil. He does not represent the values of the United States.

History clearly teaches us that bullies must never be allowed to go unchalleng­ed. The inexcusabl­e and terrible disruption exhibited by Donald Trump must be met with courage. We have great respect for Canadians — your values, leadership, friendship, courage and actions.

Trump’s shameful attacks on democracy and on our allies do not represent the vast majority of Americans. Hopefully, this nightmare will soon pass and we and our allies can begin a return to normality. Joy R. Efron and Leonard Efron, Los Angeles I write as a U.S. citizen to apologize to Prime Minister Trudeau and to all Canadians for the irrational and boorish behaviour of our president. Please don’t think that the United States has suddenly turned into a nation of arrogant and uninformed fools.

This behaviour does not reflect the spirit and values of the U.S. at large nor does it reflect on how the vast majority of U.S. citizens view Canada and Canadians — with respect, admiration and affection. John K. Johnson, Naples, Fla. I am an American living in Maine and would like to apologize to all Canadians for the boorish behaviour of Donald Trump the past few days. There is no excuse, and I am embarrasse­d to be identified in any way with this president. My husband and I lived for several years in Gore’s Landing, Ont., and were welcomed with open arms and courtesy by all the Canadians we came in contact with.

I hope that our two countries can grow beyond this rift, and get back to the relationsh­ip we have enjoyed for decades. Laura Johnson, Harpswell, Maine I am a loyal American who loves my country. I am, however, dismayed by what took place in Quebec this weekend. I wish to extend to the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan and, most of all, Canada my sincere apologies for the terrible behaviour of the man unfortunat­ely occupying the White House now. Jonathan Stein, Tequesta, Fla.

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