Toronto Star

Markle’s dad talks about missing the wedding

Thomas Markle said he wishes he had walked daughter down the aisle


LONDON— The father of the former Meghan Markle says he wishes he could have walked her down the aisle during her wedding to Prince Harry.

Thomas Markle told broadcaste­r ITV on Monday that his daughter cried when he told her he wasn’t well enough to attend the ceremony last month, but he was honoured to be replaced by Prince Charles.

The 73-year-old Markle, who watched the wedding from California, says he was “very proud” but that “the unfortunat­e thing for me now is I’m a footnote in one of the greatest moments in history rather than the dad walking her down the aisle.” He says the couple, now known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, will probably seek to have children soon.

Markle says, “she’s wanted children for a long time.”

In the lead-up to the royal event of the year, there was fevered speculatio­n over whether Markle would attend the wedding. Just days before the event, Markle had heart surgery — he had three stents implanted — and said he would not be able to make it to the wedding. Palace officials announced the day before the nuptials that Prince Charles would walk Meghan down the aisle. Markle told ITV on Monday that he was recovering well from the surgery.

He said he was not prepared for the global media attention on his family following his daughter’s engagement. But he said his daughter would “rise to that occasion.”

 ??  ?? In her father’s absence, Meghan was walked down the aisle by Prince Charles.
In her father’s absence, Meghan was walked down the aisle by Prince Charles.

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