Toronto Star

Secret audio reveals cries of children separated from parents by U.S. border agents


The desperate sobbing of 10 Central American children, separated from their parents one day last week by immigratio­n authoritie­s at the border, makes for excruciati­ng listening. Many of them sound like they’re crying so hard, they can barely breathe. They scream “Mami” and “Papa” over and over again, as if those are the only words they know.

The baritone voice of a Border Patrol agent booms above the crying. “Well, we have an orchestra here,” he jokes. “What’s missing is a conductor.”

Then a distraught but determined 6-year-old Salvadoran girl pleads repeatedly for someone to call her aunt. Just one call, she begs anyone who will listen. She says she’s memorized the phone number, and at one point, rattles it off to a consular representa­tive. “My mommy says that I’ll go with my aunt,” she whimpers, “and that she’ll come to pick me up there as quickly as possible.”

The audio recording from inside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection detention facility and obtained by ProPublica adds real-life sounds of suffering to a contentiou­s policy debate that has so far been short on input from those with the most at stake: immigrant children. More than 2,300 of them have been separated from their parents since April, when the Trump administra­tion launched its “zero tolerance” immigratio­n policy, which calls for prosecutin­g all people who attempt to illegally enter the country and taking away the children they brought with them.

Condemnati­ons have been swift and sharp, including from some of the administra­tion’s most reliable supporters. It has united religious conservati­ves and immigrant rights activists, who have said that “zero tolerance” amounts to “zero humanity.” Former first lady Laura Bush called the administra­tion’s practices “cruel” and “immoral.” The American Associatio­n of Pediatrici­ans has said the practice of separating children from their parents can cause the children “irreparabl­e harm.” The person who made the recording asked not to be identified for fear of retaliatio­n. That person gave the audio to Jennifer Harbury, a well-known civil rights attorney. Harbury provided it to ProPublica. She said the person who recorded it was a client who “heard the children’s weeping and crying, and was devastated by it.”

The person estimated that the children on the recording are between 4 and 10 years old. It appeared that they had been at the detention centre for less than 24 hours, so their distress at having been separated from their parents was still raw. Consulate officials tried to comfort them with snacks and toys. But the children were inconsolab­le.

The child who stood out the most was the 6-year-old Salvadoran girl with a phone number stuck in her head. At the end of the audio, a consular official offers to call the girl’s aunt. ProPublica dialed the number and spoke with the aunt about the call.

“It was the hardest moment in my life,” she said. “Imagine getting a call from your 6-yearold niece. She’s crying and begging me to go get her. She says, ‘I promise I’ll behave, but please get me out of here. I’m all alone.’ ”

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