Toronto Star

How to revive the Ontario Liberal party

- KARIM BARDEESY Karim Bardeesy is a distinguis­hed visiting professor and co-founder of the Ryerson Leadership Lab at Ryerson University, and a former senior adviser to Ontario premiers Kathleen Wynne and Dalton McGuinty.

Hurt; angry; chastened. That’s the space many Ontario Liberals are in as Doug Ford and the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves prepare to govern and the NDP assumes the role of official opposition.

Meanwhile, many Liberal voters and partisans, current and former, are still unpacking the question: How and why did the party and Premier Kathleen Wynne, despite their achievemen­ts, become so unpopular?

There are many possible explanatio­ns — duration in office; scandal; disconnect­edness from the public; major policy decisions; misogyny and the doublestan­dards imposed on women leaders. The path forward for Liberals could be informed by the leadership candidate who has the most persuasive answer to that question.

But there are other ways to begin talking about the rebuilding of liberalism. We could ask what aspects of its values or political organizati­on need to be preserved or changed, and to see the question not through the needs of a party, but the needs of the public. These questions are being asked by centrist and liberal political parties under stress in democracie­s around the world.

On values, expect a debate around the size of government — an important but classic left/right fight. A different way to think about these kinds of debates is to prefer bold ideas over old ones.

Liberalism (the philosophy, not the party) is at its best when it brings forward ambitious policies for more empowered people and more prosperous, clean and healthy communitie­s. McGuinty- and Wynne-era reforms as wide-ranging as the Greenbelt, an improved Canada Pension Plan spurred by provincial advocacy and a more generous, revamped OSAP regime all show you don’t necessaril­y need more spending to be ambitious. Boldness and ambition must continue at the core of the liberal story, but better informed and in response to neglected threats. A feeling of economic insecurity exists not just in some regions or demographi­cs but in people and families across the province. A more ambitious liberal response would have an unyielding commitment to education that is both accessible and of a high quality, available in any community at all ages and stages in life.

Bold ideas that seize the imaginatio­n will flow from this focus on the economy and education’s role in growing it by empowering people and communitie­s. And, more generally, liberals need to be bolder in developing and telling their story about what is needed to grow the economy that benefits the many, and the planet.

There are other areas where liberals could take some bold stands in response to the public’s needs. There is growing evidence that concentrat­ions of power stifle innovation and leave people and communitie­s vulnerable to decisions made by others. Liberals could go back to the wellspring of their values with fresh eyes to see where those concentrat­ions of power exist, and to provide new solutions. In all of this, the ambition must come through conversati­ons and hard work. Ambition that is cooked up in a bubble or overly reliant on gurus will not resonate.

Rather, liberals need to reconnect to people and communitie­s who will devel- op and champion those ideas. That requires an ability to discern situations where powerful stakeholde­rs put forward ideas that do not represent the public interest or liberal values.

It also requires the cultivatio­n of a culture of dissent and a willingnes­s to learn in public, a necessary condition for growth and for the ability of a new generation of liberal leaders to question the assumption­s they have inherited — even as it generates some hard feelings and negative headlines along the way.

Finally, the party itself could be reimagined, so that it becomes an attractive option to be engaged beyond leadership or nomination contests.

Where the facts on the ground change, liberal political philosophy calls for new leadership and new solutions.

An opportunit­y will soon exist to articulate a new space where the majority of the population still sits, and to develop new ideas and ways of thinking and working to respond to their needs.

Boldness and ambition must continue at the core of the liberal story, but better informed and in response to neglected threats

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