Toronto Star

$3.4M raised so far will go to van victims

Former mayor Barbara Hall appointed to allocate, distribute Toronto Strong fund money


Former Toronto mayor Barbara Hall has been appointed to distribute the $3.4 million raised so far for the Toronto Strong fund — all of which will go to the victims of the Yonge St. van rampage and their families.

“Nothing can compensate for the loss these families have suffered,” Hall said in a statement released by the city last week.

The rampage in April on one of Toronto’s main thoroughfa­res left 10 dead and 16 injured.

“My job is to ensure that the #TorontoStr­ong Fund carries out the generous intentions of all its donors and offers the most support possible to those whose lives have been forever changed,” she said.

The Toronto Strong fundraiser will continue to accept donations until Aug. 31. Funds will be distribute­d by Sept. 28.

City of Toronto spokespers­on Andrea Martinelli said the money will be distribute­d based on “an allocation formula modelled on best practices from around the world.”

Victims Services has already received an initial $500,000 to help families cover immediate expenses, including accommodat­ion, travel and funerals. That works out to $20,000 per family.

Hall and the steering committee overseeing the fund will also provide recommenda­tions on what can be done to help address and prevent future violent attacks.

Mayor John Tory said in the statement the fund “was created so that the people of Toronto and beyond could express their support for these affected families.

“Ms. Hall has a distinguis­hed career and I know that she will approach the task of distributi­ng these donations with the compassion, empathy and rigour that is required.”

In early May, it had yet to be determined what would be done with the additional millions raised after the initial $500,000 was distribute­d. Julia Howell, vice-president of community engagement at the Toronto Foundation, said it was possible that some of the funds raised would not go directly to the victims and their families. At the steering committee’s first meeting, they opted to give all the money raised to victims and survivors.

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