Toronto Star

Councillor reprimande­d over subway talk

Colleagues find Matlow’s politiciza­tion comment breached code of conduct


Toronto city council reprimande­d Councillor Josh Matlow Thursday after a long debate over whether he had breached the city’s code of conduct when he raised concerns about the politiciza­tion of city staff during the controvers­ial Scarboroug­h subway debate.

Integrity commission­er Valerie Jepson tabled three reports at this week’s council meeting after investigat­ions into councillor­s Michael Thompson, John Filion and Matlow. She faced an intense round of questions over each councillor.

Council rejected Jepson’s recommenda­tions to reprimand Thompson for what Jepson found was “going to bat” to try to help a longtime developer friend at city hall who was looking to build in another ward. Council received a related report on Filion, and agreed with the integrity commission­er’s findings that he had done nothing wrong.

In the case against Matlow, Jepson recommende­d council find he had breached the section of the code that says “no member shall maliciousl­y or falsely injure the profession­al or ethical reputation, or the prospects or practice of staff, and all members shall show respect for the profession­al capacities of staff.” It followed a complaint made by now former TTC CEO Andy Byford.

On Thursday, Jepson said her findings stemmed from an interview Matlow gave on CBC’s Metro Morning in 2016, where he questioned the objectivit­y of staff and the influence that a culture of politiciza­tion has had on their work as it related to a problemati­c briefing note. That memo, the Star previously reported, cast doubt on whether a return to a light-rail alternativ­e would be possible and was used to influence a key vote. The memo, the auditor general found in a separate investigat­ion, contained several errors and was selectivel­y circulated to Mayor John Tory’s office and that of TTC chair Councillor Josh Colle. The auditor general concluded there was no evidence that staff had deliberate­ly misled council.

On Thursday, several members of council, including Councillor Gord Perks, stood to defend Matlow, saying the integrity commission­er had not shown that his comments were either false or malicious.

Under questionin­g, the integrity commission­er said she did not reinvestig­ate the issues the auditor general had looked at, saying those findings “conclusive­ly dispose of” any underlying concerns about politiciza­tion. But, Perks noted, Jepson was not aware of the documents or people compelled by that investigat­ion. It’s not clear if Jepson considered a text message sent by Byford to Matlow that contradict­ed his public statements about the origin of the briefing note. In a message to council read by Colle on Thursday, Byford called the text “badly worded.” “I don’t know how you come to the conclusion that that completely disposes of the matter when you don’t know if the full investigat­ive powers were used,” Perks said.

Most agreed with the integrity commission­er that Matlow had crossed a line. The vote to reprimand Matlow, which did not align along typical political leanings, was 27 to 12.

 ??  ?? Councillor Josh Matlow’s reprimand stemmed from interview on Metro Morning.
Councillor Josh Matlow’s reprimand stemmed from interview on Metro Morning.

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