Toronto Star

Drivers bear higher burden for road safety, research shows


Every new report of a cyclist or pedestrian killed on a Toronto street fuels an ideologica­l collision over who is to blame and who bears responsibi­lity for road safety.

“Everyone (cyclists, drivers, pedestrian­s) needs to take responsibi­lity and follow the rules of the road,” a Halton Region police officer tweeted last week in a common division of responsibi­lity.

Others say, sure, motorists should pay attention, but cyclists too often ride on the sidewalk.

A national survey by the Angus Reid Institute found 67 per cent of Canadians said too many cyclists in their communitie­s don’t follow the rules of the road. Marginally fewer, 64 per cent, said too many drivers don’t pay enough attention to bikes on the roadway.

Demands for equal abeyance of road rules and assigning of equal blame ignore the circumstan­ce of most of the collisions themselves, and the deadly consequenc­es of motorists driving badly compared to the results of mistakes by those on bike or foot.

A City of Toronto study that looked at collisions that seriously injured or killed pedestrian­s between 2008 and 2012 noted they can “result from unsafe pedestrian or cyclist actions such as jaywalking and failure to yield to a motorist when they have the right of way.”

But, the study concluded, about 67 per cent of pedestrian injuries can be attributed to driver error.

Another review, of cyclist deaths by Ontario’s Office of the Chief Coroner, found that in 62 per cent of collisions between a cyclist and a vehicle, streetcar or train, one or more “modifiable actions” by the driver contribute­d to the death. Speeding, driver inattentio­n and failing to yield were the most common mistakes.

Patrick Brown, a lawyer who participat­ed in that review and now often represents family members of dead pedestrian­s and cyclists in lawsuits against motorists, said police collision data often underestim­ates driver responsibi­lity.

“You would be surprised on how many cases I have done where the pedestrian or cyclist was charged, but later it is revealed that fault clearly lay with the driver,” Brown says, adding listed collision causes are often brief summaries made without a complete investigat­ion.

Brown, who hires investigat­ors and engineers to prepare for his cases, and sometimes questions drivers on the stand, said he often finds speed and distractio­n are prime factors.

“The driver is exceeding the speed limit in virtually almost all the cases” when there is no turn involved, he said. “When I examine the driver under oath, it is evident that they are simply not paying attention to their surroundin­gs and are distracted in one form or another.

“When there are countless witnesses that clearly view and see the pedestrian or cyclist, it is astounding how many drivers simply indicate they did not see the same pedestrian or cyclist.”

Anne Harris, a Ryerson University assistant professor who has studied road deaths, is also wary about drawing conclusion­s of fault from police data.

People and sometimes police are confused about reporting obligation­s when there is no serious injury. When somebody dies, investigat­ors usually get one side of the story, said Harris, who teaches in the faculty of community service’s school of occupation­al and public health.

“I am skeptical of the attributio­n of errors to anyone who is seriously or fatally injured because they are not able to make their own report,” she said.

Harris doesn’t want to deter people from being defensive drivers, cyclists or pedestrian­s, but said Toronto’s push for road safety should dedicate decision-makers to the most effective interventi­ons: infrastruc­ture and road design.

“Infrastruc­ture that truly separates road users and offers physical protection works so well in part because it protects from mistakes,” Harris said.

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