Toronto Star

‘Thin line’ between taking and giving rights, report comments say


The final Intercultu­ral Developmen­t Inventory report has anonymous quotes from interviews with Toronto police leaders and focus groups with uniform and civilian staff. Here is a sampling by theme. Police procedures

“We work in a place where we are taking away people’s rights and we have to protect those that they still have. There is a thin line that we walk in taking away and giving rights.” — Focus group Community relations

“They (newcomers to Canada) have (a) perception of policing from back home. We get judged before we get there.” — Focus group Intercultu­ral competence “I don’t think the average uniform member understand­s the nuances of the communitie­s they serve, whether it be Sri Lankan, Jamaican, etc.” — Police leader

“I answered a call for neighbour dispute. N1 was a White woman. N2 was a hijab-wearing Somalian. N1 took offence that neighbours had cultural difference­s although they were doing nothing wrong. We mediated and told White woman that she was in the wrong. Somalian family was grateful that we treated them with respect.” — Focus group Human resources

“We are part of an archaic hierarchic­al command system. We need to develop a more collaborat­ive, intuitive system. If you want change you have to be the change.” — Focus group

“Within the service we have focused on certain groups networking using (Internal Support Networks) to make connection­s with other members of the same cultural background, but I think we should have more networking opportunit­ies as a multicultu­ral service. To me it looks like we are segregatin­g ourselves.” — Focus group

“Need to hire good, educated, diverse people, promote good diverse people.” — Police leader Race

“You approach the door and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is ‘you stopped me because I’m Black.’ It’s impossible to defend yourself from this. I’m stopping you because of an HTA (Highway Traffic Act) violation.” — Focus group

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