Toronto Star

Turn up the AC — please!

- Heather Mallick Heather Mallick is a columnist based in Toronto covering current affairs. Follow her on Twitter: @HeatherMal­lick

Air conditioni­ng is a human right.

If this heatwave has taught me anything, it’s that the 30 UN human rights — including equality, privacy, freedom of expression, food, clothing, housing and time off work — are essential and admirable. But they can’t beat air conditioni­ng.

I used to say there were two kinds of people: those who can cope with heat and those who can’t. But it was meant in the Stay Calm and Keep Complainin­g kind of way. In the heat, I cannot cope. My hair is in a state of emergency. My skin takes on a piebald pattern of alarmist red and fish-belly white, and my body feels like a hot glue gun. Touch me and you’re stuck.

I think it’s because I’m half-Scottish. Scots resist basking, lazing, bonbons, enjoyment of all kinds.

But that was then, this is now. This is the third heat, the kind where people die. When temperatur­es rise to 45C with the humidex the way they did in Ontario and Quebec last week, the world divides into another kind of doubleness: those who can survive it and those who can’t.

The death toll in Montreal keeps rising, mostly older people with preexistin­g heart or mental health conditions who lived alone. Their last hours must have been unspeakabl­e.

I think of Europe’s famous summer canicule in 2003, which killed at least 30,000 people, damaged harvests, shrank glaciers, and helped cause massive fires. Climate change will have its way with us.

Until it does, I need air conditioni­ng. At the moment, we’re trying to set aside enough money to ensure our children can pay for air conditioni­ng in 2050 because I suspect it will still not be an actual human right at that point. It will be a capacity, a state of mind, a loveliness reserved for the rich.

My air conditione­r was too small to cool the house or even a floor so we bought another replacemen­t (sadly American) to be installed today at a price I didn’t much care about. I was desperate. After this heat, I wanted a house so cold that I’d have to layer my wool sweaters and wear gloves to make toast.

I wanted my house to be the Franklin Expedition, that’s how badly I needed cold air.

Guess what. The Montreal office wasn’t able to ship the promised air conditione­r. Something had happened. The city was out of stock, the shipper told the installer. Shoppers had been seen fighting over the last one at a Home Depot in downtown Montreal. “It’s survival of the fittest,” said Victor Perchet, who managed to get it.

I could not call the Montreal office to complain about the mysterious delay as I was very much raised in a guilt-based household. It hangs over me to this day like invisible gauze.

If Montreal is going Lord of the Flies over air conditione­rs, I can hardly ask them to hand one over. People are dying there. Here, too, but we just count our dead more slowly.

Here I was in Toronto, pre-apologizin­g to a shipper I hadn’t yet called and feeling guilty for having even considered complainin­g. Their need was greater.

The next replacemen­t, a Fujitsu (not American at all), is coming Monday.

It’s the Indian Motorcycle of cooling, I say. It’s a ductless split. You’ll have heard of the ASU24RLB, I’m sure? I don’t know how to turn on the porch lights but I know my air conditioni­ng lingo.

It’s Energy Star® Qualified with inverter technology and wireless remote control. It runs quiet and Smart, has an Auto Mode and a humidity control that will turn your bedroom air desert-like, better bring some sand.

But perhaps hot sweaty people have invaded the Fujitsu Canada compound and I will have nothing on Monday morning beyond this credulous column. We will have to move to a hotel, a smaller room in which to bitterly complain, and my nerves are worn. It will be another sequel: The Bickersons Visit a Hotel.

One of my local city council candidates, Josh Makuch, came to the door this weekend seeking my vote. “What is the issue that most concerns you?” “Air conditioni­ng,” I said. How embarrassi­ng. I will change it to a nobler issue, “gun control,” but only if my Fujitsu arrives Monday as promised.

 ?? JIM MICHAUD/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? This is one way to cool off. But Heather Mallick says air conditioni­ng is the best way.
JIM MICHAUD/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS This is one way to cool off. But Heather Mallick says air conditioni­ng is the best way.
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