Toronto Star

Migrant ship a floating toxic vessel

MV Sun Sea has cost the federal government about $979,000 in storage costs


OTTAWA— The MV Sun Sea carried nearly 500 Tamil migrants to Canada eight years ago, but now the rusting cargo ship sits forlornly on the B.C. coast — an unwanted vessel of toxins including asbestos, PCBs and mould, documents reveal. The federal government, which has been stuck with the rickety ship for years, is looking for an “environmen­tally sound” and cost-effective way of getting rid of it.

The Public Services and Procuremen­t Department recently issued a request for feedback from industry on how to dismantle and dispose of the 38-year-old steel ship with an infamous past.

Organizers of the MV Sun Sea’s 2010 voyage from strifetorn Sri Lanka promised passage in return for $20,000 to $30,000 per person.

Federal authoritie­s intercepte­d the vessel, which has been moored at a Public Services facility in Delta, B.C., since 2012. No owner of the ship could be identified, and no one wanted to buy it.

The vessel, under control of the Canada Border Services Agency, has cost the government approximat­ely $970,000 in storage and maintenanc­e costs. The border agency and other federal partners “are working diligently” to figure out how to dispose of the ship, says a March 2018 briefing note obtained through the Access to Informatio­n Act.

The request for industry feedback is the first step toward un- loading the 52-metre floating lemon. The solicitati­on documents say the government hopes to ask for bids from disposal companies in August and award a contract the following month, with a project completion date of March.

“The government of Canada has made the determinat­ion that the MV Sun Sea must be disposed of in an environmen­tally sound manner, in a Canadian facility, in accordance with Canadian law,” says an initial outline of the work prepared by the border agency.

The agency said Wednesday it is “committed to pursuing every viable option” for discarding the ship.

A January 2016 examinatio­n revealed several hazardous materials on board the MV Sun Sea, including mould throughout the vessel, asbestos, lead-laden paint, PCBs in paint and cabling coating, mercury in gauges and fluorescen­t lamps, and radioactiv­e substances in smoke detectors and navigation equipment.

The detailed draft work statement says the contractor must remove and dispose of the potentiall­y dangerous materials while following applicable regulation­s.

For instance, all loose and flaky paint must be scraped off, vacuumed and properly discarded. In addition, there must be an environmen­tal contingenc­y plan to deal with petroleum product leaks in the water or on the ground, seepage of ozone-depleting substances or catastroph­es such as a fire or an explosion.

Due to the ship’s condition, the government will not allow a contractor to tow it to a work site beyond the waters of southern British Columbia.

 ?? JONATHAN HAYWARD/THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? The MV Sun Sea carried nearly 500 Tamil migrants to Canada eight years ago, but now sits rusting on the B.C. coast.
JONATHAN HAYWARD/THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO The MV Sun Sea carried nearly 500 Tamil migrants to Canada eight years ago, but now sits rusting on the B.C. coast.

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