Toronto Star

No conference call means more mystery for investors

Constellat­ion Software has cancelled quarterly earnings calls, but no one is complainin­g


Want to know what one of Canada’s top-performing companies is up to? You’ll have to go to Constellat­ion Software Inc.’s website and submit a question online.

That’s about the only option investors have to hear management thoughts on strategy until the firm’s next annual meeting in 2019.

The Toronto-based Constellat­ion has cancelled quarterly earnings calls, further drawing a curtain around one of the most opaque companies on the S&P/TSX Composite Index.

“In past conference calls, they would be asked about their acquisitio­n process and I think that especially with calls being transcribe­d and made public for people to search to see what you said, that likely made them uncomforta­ble,” said Howard Leung, an analyst at Veritas Investment Research Corp., in a phone interview.

The move to end regular calls, including for second-quarter results on Thursday, only adds to an air of mystery around the company, whose growth-by-acquisitio­n model has given it a market value of $22.4 billion.

Founder and chief executive officer Mark Leonard has only two lines of descriptio­n under his bio on the firm’s spare website and doesn’t give media interviews.

The Q&A portal, which answers “selected” investor questions, “will eventually prove to be a more effective tool than the conference calls because it will be searchable and will provide an archive of all previous responses,” according to state- ment from the company in February when it first made the move. The company declined to comment further on the change.

Constellat­ion has published responses to 10 questions since April. During its fourth-quarter call in February — the last time it held one — executives re- sponded to more than 20 questions.

The Ontario Securities Commission doesn’t require publicly traded companies to host calls, but recommends they hold an “open and accessible conference call” after any material disclosure­s, such as earnings, as part of its disclosure standards policy.

Investors don’t seem to mind the lack of quarterly calls. The company is the top performing stock on the Canadian benchmark in the eight years through Tuesday with about a 25-fold gain, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The shares smashed through the $1,000 level in May and closed at $1,056 on Tuesday, giving Leonard’s 2.1 per cent stake as of March a market value of about $460.5 million, the data show.

Veritas’s Leung said that of the 10 companies that he monitors, Constellat­ion is the only one that doesn’t hold calls. Yet he’s satisfied with the availabili­ty of informatio­n the company does give.

“I have to say that it does make it more difficult, but there are also other metrics that you can look at when valuing a company,” Leung said in a phone interview.

“And they do have an annual general meeting which is pretty accessible with a pretty long and open Q&A session.”

Constellat­ion’s AGM, the most recent of which was held in April, includes breakout sessions with each of the company’s six operating groups to allow analysts and investors the opportunit­y to dig into different line of business, according to a statement.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? The Ontario Securities Commission doesn’t require publicly traded companies to host calls, but recommends they hold an “open and accessible conference call” after any material disclosure­s.
DREAMSTIME The Ontario Securities Commission doesn’t require publicly traded companies to host calls, but recommends they hold an “open and accessible conference call” after any material disclosure­s.

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