Toronto Star

Scheer tries for Tory channel change

This week’s convention sets tone for campaign to confront Trudeau in 2019


OTTAWA— Andrew Scheer will head to a gathering of Conservati­ve faithful this week looking to refocus his party on 2019’s electoral battle after a week of unwanted headlines about a former leadership rival.

Scheer will deliver a keynote address to the Conservati­ve policy convention in Halifax on Friday. It will be the largest crowd of Conservati­ves he’s addressed since becoming party leader in 2017, and likely the largest crowd he’ll address before next year’s general election.

For the rookie political leader, it’s a chance to set the tone for his campaign to unseat Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government — and to pivot away from a week of former rival Maxime Bernier’s musings on the dangers of multicultu­ralism and “political correctnes­s.”

Last week, Scheer was forced to respond to a Bernier Twitter rant about how “ever more diversity” will “destroy what has made (Canada) such a great country.”

Bernier was criticizin­g Trudeau’s oft-repeated line that diversity is Canada’s strength, but soon faced direct and public criticism from his own caucus colleagues over the comments.

“Mr. Bernier does not hold a position in our caucus. He’s not a shadow minister, he’s not the spokespers­on on any issue,” Scheer told reporters in Regina last Thursday.

“It’s clear that when he expresses those types of comments that he speaks for himself. … I’m not going to get into internal caucus dynamics, those are things we decide as a team, as a caucus, as a group of Parliament­arians. But as I said, there is that expectatio­n that we all work toward the same goal.”

For a party with a history of rigid message discipline, this summer has been an outlier. Senior Conservati­ve MPs have publicly disagreed on social media, freelanced policy, and at times stolen the spotlight from their own leader — things that would have been hard to imagine under Stephen Harper.

Conservati­ves who spoke to the Star last week suggested the Twitter blowups are distractio­ns that resonate largely among pundits and political observers, and are unlikely to move the electoral needle.

But heading in to what the party hopes to be a momentum-building family reunion, questions about Scheer’s ability to manage his caucus — and their philosophy on hot-button issues like immigratio­n, diversity and inclusion — are undoubtedl­y unwelcome.

The convention schedule puts a heavy emphasis on learning the ropes of modern campaignin­g, including training on the party’s mobile canvassing app, managing a campaign team and “working with the media.”

The 76 policy resolution­s put forward by grassroots members will be debated in public workshops, which will determine which policies make it to a general vote.

The proposals include old Conservati­ve saws like breaking down interprovi­ncial trade barriers, simplifyin­g the tax code, and opposition to the Liberals’ proposed national carbon pricing scheme.

Some more socially conservati­ve proposals will also be debated — including several antiaborti­on proposals, opposition to assisted suicide and labelling pornograph­y as a “public health risk.”

But there are also nods to the party’s more recent preoccupat­ions. A number of Conservati­ve riding associatio­ns are advocating cracking down on irregular crossings at the Canada-U. S. border, an issue that the party has put front and centre in the House of Commons. One suggests turning away border crossers “without process,” which would violate both Canadian law and internatio­nal treaties.

Several other motions relate to freedom of speech, including one that would make Scheer’s proposal to withhold federal funding to universiti­es that “do not protect free speech” official party policy.

While this may be a policy convention, however, there’s more at stake than just the party platform. Darrell Bricker, the head of Ipsos Public Affairs, said the convention will be a chance for Scheer to up his name recognitio­n with Canadians.

“Given that he’s up against the biggest rock star in Canadian politics in my living memory … the need to at least get on the radar with people is significan­t,” Bricker said Thursday.

“I don’t think it’s about him making a splash, because splashines­s is what (Trudeau) does. It’s more just getting present.”

Bricker suggested the Conservati­ve grassroots want to see Scheer project competence and confidence in his ability to get the job done, while bringing a measure of dignity that Conservati­ve voters tend to appreciate in their leaders.

 ?? FRED CHARTRAND/THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? The Conservati­ve policy convention in Halifax will provide party leader Andrew Scheer with the chance to shift the focus away from rogue tweets by MP Maxime Bernier.
FRED CHARTRAND/THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO The Conservati­ve policy convention in Halifax will provide party leader Andrew Scheer with the chance to shift the focus away from rogue tweets by MP Maxime Bernier.

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