Toronto Star

Gun ban only part of solution to crisis


Re How to stop criminals from getting handguns, Aug. 19 It would be wise to listen to a criminal lawyer on stopping gun violence.

Reid Rusonik begins by noting that the recent spate of shootings is a symptom, the ultimate cause of which is criminaliz­ing drugs. He concludes that while a gun ban may help alleviate the current crisis, it will only be part of the solution we need.

Rusonic and his colleagues have practical advice for us to prevent, rather than react to, our gun crisis. Decriminal­izing drug use and treating it as a health issue rather than a policing issue is a great start because it helps us focus more on prevention than reaction.

For young men “desperate to escape the degradatio­n of poverty,” giving them good reasons to live — not selling drugs and guns — may help staunch the bleeding by turning them in better directions. Salvatore Amenta, Stouffvill­e

I read with amusement Mr. Rusonik’s proposal for a handgun ban, interestin­gly enough while cleaning my Glock 17 after a lovely afternoon shooting with friends and family.

Rusonik is a well-meaning criminal lawyer advocating the decriminal­ization of drugs in order to rid society of handguns. As I understand it, his argument is this: once everyone has access to cheap legal narcotics, there will be no further need for anyone to have guns.

Am I missing something? Making drugs legal will make handguns disappear?

The reality is that if narcotics were decriminal­ized, the criminal thugs currently battling over drug turf would simply move on to another commodity. Human traffickin­g, perhaps? Does Mr. Rusonik propose that should be decriminal­ized as well? How permissive are we willing to be in order to persuade the gun-toting thugs to give up their weapons? Is our society willing to pay that price? Paul Graham, Mississaug­a

Do people really believe in the good faith of a man whose sole job in the world is to get the best deal for thugs and junkies? The best deal for criminals, not society?

By banning legal handguns, he suggests that we criminaliz­e and then steal from people who aren’t causing murder and mayhem in our streets and go easy on the ones that actually do.

I leave it to readers to decided where their moral compass lies. Andrew Tyler, Victoria

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