Toronto Star

Bernier’s tweets evoke nasty memories

- Gillian Steward Gillian Steward is a Calgary writer and former managing editor of the Calgary Herald. Her column appears every other week.

Given the results of the last federal election, it’s clear that most Canadians reject the racial and religious nastiness that dominated the Conservati­ve’s campaign.

That’s when former prime minister Stephen Harper and several of his cabinet ministers stoked fear and resentment against Muslims in hopes of scaring enough people into voting for them.

Remember the fight over the niqab — the face covering that some women Muslim wear? Harper and his acolyte Jason Kenney (now leader of Alberta’s official opposition) were determined to go all the way to the Supreme Court even though they kept losing in lower courts, to force a woman to take off her niqab while taking the oath of citizenshi­p.

And there was the tip line introduced late in the campaign, which the Conservati­ves said would make it easier for people to report the “barbaric cultural practices” of their neighbours. Calling the police had always been an option, but it seems the Conservati­ves needed another opportunit­y to smear people who didn’t conform to their idea of how Canadians should behave.

Of course, the scare tactics didn’t work. Instead, Justin Trudeau’s “sunny” Liberals won a decisive majority.

So wouldn’t Conservati­ves be smart to put all that behind them? You would think so. But Quebec Conservati­ve MP Maxime Bernier revived the dreaded boogey men of that 2015 campaign when he tweeted last week that Trudeau’s policies have led to “extreme multicultu­ralism” which leads to “ghettoes” and “tribes,” words that evoke lawlessnes­s and chaos. Bernier had already been booted out of the Conservati­ve caucus for causing trouble and his tweets were not endorsed by Conservati­ve leader Andrew Scheer.

But there are other prominent Conservati­ves who seem to hew to the same line. Premier Doug Ford of Ontario showed his colours when he blamed Trudeau for “illegal asylum seekers” crossing the border from the U.S and crowding Toronto shelters. They weren’t illegal and they have a right to seek asylum. And if more people are seeking asylum wouldn’t that be Donald Trump’s fault? He’s the one who is making people desperate to leave.

In Alberta, Jason Kenney, leader of the United Conservati­ve Party (UCP), has found it necessary to publicly warn members that “those who express hateful views to entire groups of people” will not be allowed to run for candidate nomination­s. The warning came after it was revealed that at least three would-be candidates had publicly aired anti-Islamic and homophobic views. One was even endorsed by some UCP MLAs.

The UCP has an intense vetting process that seems to be working overtime and has booted some would-be candidates because of their extreme views.

Even campaign managers have been caught up in the controvers­y. Craig Chandler, who once accused the Earls restaurant chain of supporting terrorists because it purchased beef from Creekstone Farms, an American company that also offers halal meats for Muslim customers, successful­ly managed the nomination campaign for Tanya Fir, who will be running as a UCP candidate in Calgary. Kenney is wilful enough that he might be able to cap the bozo eruptions. He certainly needs to if the party is to avoid the fate of the Wildrose Party in the 2012 election. It was widely expected to win until it was revealed that one of its candidates had publicly stated that all gay people would burn in a “lake of fire” after they died. Wildrose leader Danielle Smith did not show the candidate the door, but defended his right to hold personal views.

A week later, her party went down to defeat. Now that he is a provincial politician, Kenney has carefully avoided talking about the nastiness of the 2015 Conservati­ve federal election campaign and his role in it. But Bernier’s recent tweet storm brought it all to the fore again. Which leads me to wonder: is it just a coincidenc­e that Kenney has attracted so many UCP would-be candidates with views that hearken back to that campaign?

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