Toronto Star

Facebook pulls hundreds of fake accounts engaged in co-ordinated influence campaign

Inauthenti­c behaviour flagged on 652 accounts and pages


Facebook Inc. dismantled a new set of influence campaigns originatin­g in Iran and Russia designed to sow division in global politics, part of the social-media company’s broader purge of bad actors on its site.

Those originatin­g in Iran, a total of 652 pages and accounts, were flagged for “coordinate­d inauthenti­c behavior” and targeted internet services in the U.S., Middle East, U.K. and Latin America.

The activity appears to reflect increasing attempts by the Iranian regime to push its geopolitic­al agenda through online subterfuge.

Facebook separately took down an unspecifie­d number of accounts and pages that it said originated in Russia.

While much of Russia’s alleged activity on Facebook in the past has centered on U.S. social issues, the bad actors identified in the latest purge were focused on politics in Syria and Ukraine.

Facebook said it found no evidence the campaigns by Russia and Iran were connected.

“We’ve been investigat­ing some of these campaigns for months now, which highlights the tension we face in every investigat­ion between removing bad actors quickly and improving our defenses over time,” Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said during a hastily scheduled conference call with reporters late Tuesday.

“Because if we remove them too early, it’s harder to understand their playbook and the extent of their network. It can also make it harder for law enforcemen­t.”

Mr. Zuckerberg said the action announced Tuesday reflected the firm’s newfound approach to finding and stamping out fake activity.

“The shift we made from reactive to proactive detection is a big change, and it’s going to make Facebook safer for everyone over time,” he told reporters.

Facebook’s allegation that the offenders were tied to Russia and Iran marks a departure from last month when it announced a purge of 32 pages and was reluctant to assign responsibi­lity for the content it pulled from the platform. On Tuesday, executives reiterated they couldn’t attribute last month’s campaign to any actor.

“We’re still investigat­ing and there’s a lot that we don’t know yet,” Mr. Zuckerberg said. “As a company, we don’t have all the investigat­ive tools and intelligen­ce that government­s have, which makes it hard to always attribute a particular abuse to particular countries or groups.”

Facebook’s new disclosure­s come just a day after Microsoft Corp said Russian hackers linked to the 2016 election cyberattac­ks on the Democratic Party are broadening their efforts to target U.S. politics ahead of the midterms to include well-connected conser- vative groups.

Facebook first learned about a network of bogus Iranian pages from U.S.-based cybersecur­ity firm FireEye. Using FireEye’s tip, Facebook said it was able to identify additional accounts and pages that were spreading disinforma­tion and link the activity to Iranian state media by checking against website registrati­on informatio­n, among other indicators.

Some of the Iranian accounts and pages were created as far back as 2011, Facebook said.

Facebook officials were reticent to speculate on motive of the Iranian or Russian campaigns during a press call with reporters. Lee Foster, a researcher with FireEye who worked on the Iran investigat­ion, said the pages sought to promote Tehran’s interests, including “anti-Saudi, anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinia­n themes.”

Facebook executives said they expect to find more bad activity. “We have a number of investigat­ions going on, and we’ll up- date you when we know more,” Mr. Zuckerberg said.

FireEye said it also identified suspicious behavior on Twitter.

In a tweet posted to a corporate account, Twitter said on Tuesday that it has suspended 284 accounts “for engaging in coordinate­d manipulati­on.”

It “appears many of these accounts originated from Iran,” the Twitter message states. A Twitter spokesman de- clined to comment further, saying the company will post further updates when it has more to say.

Iran for years has been seen as increasing­ly adept at using social media to deploy phishing schemes or other malicious acts, often relying on elaboratel­y created fake online personas to ensnare targets, according to cybersecur­ity researcher­s. The country is frequently cited by U.S. intelligen­ce officials as among the four most hostile and advanced nation-state cyberthrea­ts alongside Russia, China and North Korea.

Facebook said it had shared its findings with both the U.S. and British government­s on the Iranian activity and the U.S. treasury and state department­s about Iran’s activity.

Senator Richard Burr (R., N.C.), who chairs the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee that has been investigat­ing online influence operations, said that Facebook’s disclosure further reflected that foreign actors wanted to use social media to sow political discord and that “Russia is not the only hostile foreign actor developing this capability.”

Mr. Burr said he intended to discuss the foreign operations with Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer, when she testified before his panel in early September. Robert McMillan contribute­d to this article.

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 ?? OLI SCARFF AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE ?? Facebook yanked 652 fake pages and accounts in its largest purge to date to combat bad actors.
OLI SCARFF AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Facebook yanked 652 fake pages and accounts in its largest purge to date to combat bad actors.

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