Toronto Star


Quebec MP heaps criticism on Conservati­ves as he quits party and says he’ll start his own


“It’s the party who changed. . . I didn’t change. I’m the same guy. I believe in the same ideas — and people in Beauce (riding), they know that, so there’s no difference, I hope, for them.” MAXIME BERNIER

It wasn’t exactly how the Conservati­ves were hoping to kick off their pre-election policy convention.

Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer accused Maxime Bernier of putting himself above the conservati­ve cause after the Beauce MP offered a stunning barrage of criticism as he quit the party Thursday and vowed to start his own.

Bernier called the Conservati­ves “too intellectu­ally and morally corrupt to be reformed,” charging Scheer and his caucus were governed more by focus groups and public polling than by conservati­ve principles.

Scheer dismissed out of hand Bernier’s criticism that the party isn’t conservati­ve enough.

“It’s been the Conservati­ve Party of Canada that has been leading the fight against the carbon tax.

It’s been the Conservati­ve caucus that has been fighting for planned and orderly immigratio­n. It’s been the Conservati­ve Party of Canada that has fought for balanced budgets,” Scheer told reporters in an unschedule­d news conference Thursday afternoon.

“It’s been our party, and our MPs and caucus, that continuall­y, every day, stands up for Conservati­ve principles.,” he said.

Scheer’s predecesso­r, who knows a thing or two about a divided conservati­ve movement, chimed in with his own criticism.

“It is clear that Max never accepted the result of the leadership vote and seeks only to divide Conservati­ves,” former prime minister Stephen Harper wrote on Twitter.

“His decision today allows the Conservati­ve Party of Canada to move forward united behind our leader Andrew Scheer.”

But Bernier’s move also raises the possibilit­y of a fracture in the party’s base with just over a year before the next federal election.

“I hope Justin Trudeau and his cabinet colleagues are breaking out the champagne,” tweeted Rachel Curran, who was director of policy under Harper.

The conflict between Bernier and Scheer — and indeed, much of the Conservati­ve caucus — had been simmering for months.

In May 2017, Bernier lost the party leadership vote to Scheer on the 13th ballot after leading the field on the previous 12. Later, he released a chapter of a planned memoir suggesting Scheer won thanks to “fake conservati­ves” who were signed up by the Quebec dairy lobby, which opposed Bernier’s bid.

He agreed to postpone the memoir and pull the chapter, but later reposted it and was stripped of his critic role as a result.

For the past two weeks, Bernier had been drawing the ire of his Conservati­ve colleagues for a series of provocativ­e Tweets criticizin­g “extreme multicultu­ralism” and “ever more diversity,” going so far as to taunt his party’s leadership after they held a news conference to discuss immigratio­n policies.

Then on Thursday, as 3,000 members of the Conservati­ve grassroots united in Halifax, Bernier scheduled a news conference in Ottawa.

“(The) party is afraid to articulate any coherent philosophy to support its position. Every public declaratio­n is tested with polls and focus groups,” he said, adding he hopes to form a new party in the coming weeks.

“The result is a bunch of platitudes that don’t offend anybody, but also don’t mean anything and don’t motivate anyone. Andrew Scheer keeps talking about his positive Conservati­ve vision, but nobody knows what that vision is.”

Bernier listed several policy areas where he claims to take a principled stand that promotes “free-market conservati­ve” ideas and diverges sharply from his leader and party.

He cited his opposition to: Canada’s production quotas for dairy, poultry and eggs; the use of retaliator­y trade tariffs against the U.S.; current immigratio­n and multicultu­ralism policies (although he proposed no specific changes); and federal equalizati­on transfers, “corporate welfare” and regional economic agencies that subsidize businesses.

He said he decided nine days ago to leave the Conservati­ve Party after he spoke to Scheer, who rebuked him for tweets on “extreme multicultu­ralism” which condemned the Trudeau government’s insistence on “ever more diversity.”

Bernier defended his decision to remain MP for Beauce despite the Conservati­ves’ long-argued view that MPs who quit their party should step down and run in a byelection.

“It’s the party who changed,” said Bernier. “I didn’t change. I’m the same guy. I believe in the same ideas — and people in Beauce, they know that, so there’s no difference, I hope, for them.”

Bernier said he hoped other Conservati­ves would join him in his new party. But if he had any takers, it wasn’t immediatel­y apparent at the party convention on Thursday. Most MPs who spoke to the Star brushed off Bernier’s actions.

 ?? DARREN CALABRESE THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer greets supporters at the party’s convention in Halifax.
DARREN CALABRESE THE CANADIAN PRESS Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer greets supporters at the party’s convention in Halifax.

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