Toronto Star

Just 41 per cent of eligible voters cast a ballot in Toronto,

Uncertaint­y about wards one of factors that led to 41 per cent turnout

- SAMANTHA BEATTIE With files from Bryann Aguilar CITY HALL BUREAU

A perfect storm led to a sharp decline in Toronto’s voter turnout, down to 41 per cent.

Just one election ago, in 2014, Toronto set a record at 60 per cent of eligible voters hitting the polls, marking the highest voter turnout since amalgamati­on in 1998.

“It’s almost like falling off a cliff,” Myer Siemiatyck­i, a politics professor at Ryerson University, said, adding that it shouldn’t come as a surprise. “You couldn’t have designed an election to have a lower voter turnout.”

Voter turnout for the Toronto election is an unofficial estimate not confirmed by the city but based on city data. The city will release official results this week, a spokespers­on said.

One of the reasons turnout was low is likely because candidates didn’t know for sure where their ward boundaries would be until mid-September, when a court determined the election should proceed with 25 wards, as legislated by Premier Doug Ford’s government, rather than the planned 47.

That meant candidates had half the time to cover twice the area and didn’t reach enough residents, Siemiatyck­i said.

Then there’s the mayoralty campaign, with the “very belated” entry of Jennifer Keesmaat in late July, he said. Unlike the 2014 election that saw a close race between high-profile candidates John Tory, Olivia Chow and Ford, Keesmaat didn’t have the same name recognitio­n or “organizati­onal robustness” to help her make up lost time.

An uncompetit­ive mayoral election is almost always a formula for low voter turnout, said Michael McGregor, also a politics professor at Ryerson. Tory’s re-election, predicted in early polls, proved to be a “blowout” as he attracted about 63.5 per cent of votes.

An easy win appears to have affected Mississaug­a’s voter turnout, too, with incumbent Mayor Bonnie Crombie coasting to victory. Voter turnout was just 27 per cent, according to the city.

During the Hazel McCallion era, when the longtime Mississaug­a mayor seemed destined to win again and again, as few as 20 per cent of voters would cast a ballot.

Brampton’s voter turnout in this election was higher than Mississaug­a’s, unofficial­ly at 34.5 per cent, the city reported. That’s with a feisty mayoral race that featured former Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader Patrick Brown defeating incumbent Linda Jeffrey.

For at least the past decade, Brampton’s voter turnout percentage has remained in the mid to low 30s (in 2014, it peaked at 36 per cent). Even when the race has “a very highprofil­e set of candidates, the turnout is still below Toronto’s worst effort,” McGregor said.

A number of factors contribute to the 905 regions’ lower voter engagement in municipal politics.

There’s a “black hole” or lack of informatio­n in Peel Region, with media outlets almost exclusivel­y covering Toronto politics, McGregor said. And there’s the fact Mississaug­a and Brampton are hubs of diversity.

“Research suggests immigrants and visible minorities vote at relatively low levels in municipal elections in particular,” he said.

He’s currently trying to figure out why in his research.

Compared with the “thicker network” of civic engagement in old city centres like Toronto, suburban life is “more individual­ized and private, with not as many bonds that bind residents to each other and their community,” Siemiatyck­i said.

“As you fan out from the downtown core to the older suburbs and then further out to Brampton, Mississaug­a, Vaughan and Markham, voter turnout decreases.”

Turnout tended to be higher in downtown wards, with the exception of Ward10, Spadina— Fort York, where Councillor Joe Cressy, not facing any incumbents, easily beat out the 13 other candidates. Only 37 per cent of voters cast a ballot.

The two wards that tied for highest voter turnout at 50 per cent were both close to downtown. Ward 12, Toronto—St. Paul’s saw Councillor Josh Matlow beat out incumbent Joe Mihevc, who was endorsed by Tory. In Ward 14, Toronto-Danforth, Councillor Paula Fletcher bested former council ally Mary Fragedakis.

Voter turnout tended to be lower in the city’s most northern wards, from Etobicoke North across to Scarboroug­h— Rouge Park.

The open race in Ward 23, Scarboroug­h North had the lowest voter turnout at 33 per cent. Cynthia Lai won with 27 per cent of votes cast.

Low voter turnout shouldn’t be accepted as a given and is detrimenta­l to the quality of local government, McGregor said.

“You want your elected representa­tive to reflect interests of as many people possible, and if a small share of the population is voting, that’s not going to happen.”

 ?? STEVE RUSSELL TORONTO STAR ?? An uncompetit­ive mayoral race often means a low voter turnout, an expert says. In Toronto, John Tory got 63.5 per cent of the vote.
STEVE RUSSELL TORONTO STAR An uncompetit­ive mayoral race often means a low voter turnout, an expert says. In Toronto, John Tory got 63.5 per cent of the vote.

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