Toronto Star

Here’s what you shouldn’t microwave

Microwave faux pas can lead to fires, release harmful substances into air


I learned earlier than most that there are things you should never put in the oven — when I was a pre-teen, I heated a plastic wrap-covered meal in the oven only to watch it burst into flames (shoutout to my older brother who helped me eradicate the mini fire before it spread). After that occasion, my mother sat me down to remind me of the dos and don’ts in the kitchen, including all the things you should never — ever — put in the microwave.

At first glance, you’d think this appliance was the least likely to be dangerous because you never actually see its heating mechanism.

But just because it’s not as obvious doesn’t mean that the potential for danger is any less (after all, we can still get a sunburn on a cloudy day).

If you find yourself doubting how severe kitchen fires can be, the U.S. National Fire Protection Associatio­n reports that cooking was the number one cause of house fires and the third cause of fire-related deaths at home between 2009 and 2013.

And microwave faux pas don’t just lead to fires — they can also cause harmful substances to be released into the air. On top of that, they’re responsibl­e for hardto-clean messes, which is just one more reason you should familiariz­e yourself with things you should never put in the microwave. So go on — keep reading to see a list of those 11 things (then commit them to memory). Aluminum foil While tinfoil (as I like to call it) is fine in the oven, it is not OK in the microwave, so you must make sure you take it off your food before nuking begins.

The appliance’s inside is made out of metal, and it reflects microwaves that allow your food to heat up. The problem is when you put another metal (a.k.a. foil) inside of the machine, the waves reflect off the metal, causing it to burst into flames. Hard-boiled eggs I know quite a few people who make scrambled eggs in the microwave at work for breakfast. (I’m intrigued but can’t say I’d do it myself.) The problem occurs when you’re attempting to cook an egg that’s still within its shell.

The result is the steam rises within the shell — and poof ! — the high temps cause the egg to explode into a runny mess. Takeout boxes You know those little white takeout boxes that sticky rice often comes in? (Yes, the ones with the itsy, bitsy metal handles). They are pretty hazardous when nuked because they also contain metal (see what happens above, plus add in some potential for sparking). Hot peppers If you’re heating up a dish containing hot (read: spicy) peppers, it’s definitely worth doing it in the frying pan or oven. Other than their potential to go ablaze inside the microwave, the peppers can also release their chemicals when you open the door.

You may feel as though you’re going to choke from the chemical release into the air, or the juice can accidental­ly go into your eyes — and it can have the same effect as pepper spray. Dry sponges Heat is known to kill everything, including bacteria.

This is why some people think it’s a good idea to put their dry sponges from the sink in the microwave for a few minutes, thinking they’re getting rid of all of Many plastics release chemicals similar to estrogen when heated. the germs. Although it will do that, it can also cause some serious trouble. “If sponges are dry, there’s no water to attract energy, and the sponges themselves will attract energy and can catch on fire,” says Sharon Franke, director of the Kitchen Appliances and Technology Lab at the Good Housekeepi­ng Institute. Here’s a trick: Submerge your sponge in water first before putting it in the microwave. Plastic containers There’s a reason everyone says not to put plastic containers in the microwave: It’s due to the chemicals that can be released into your food when heated (BPA is only one of them).

A study actually found that 95 per cent of 450 plastic products (including plastic bags and baby bottles) actually released chemicals similar to estrogen when heated.

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