Toronto Star

Migrant caravan is shrinking


MAPASTEPEC, MEXICO— Little by little, sickness, fear and police harassment are whittling down the migrant caravan making its way to the U.S. border, with many of the 4,000 to 5,000 migrants who resumed their journey Thursday complainin­g of exhaustion.

The group, many with children and even pushing toddlers in strollers, departed Mapastepec at dawn with more than 1,600 kilometres still to go before they reach the U.S. border.

They have advanced just 150 kilometres as the crow flies since thousands burst across Mexico’s southernmo­st border six days earlier.

With the migrants still weeks, if not months, from reaching the U.S. border, the U.S. administra­tion was planning to send 800 or more troops to the southern border at the direction of President Donald Trump, who has been stoking fears about illegal immigratio­n ahead of the Nov. 6 midterm elections.

Defence Secretary Jim Mattis was expected to sign an order as early as Thursday authorizin­g the additional troops to support the Border Patrol, according to a U.S. official, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the details because the details had not yet been finalized and spoke on condition of anonymity.

On Thursday, the long column of migrants stretched for more than a mile as they left the town square in Mapastepac in far southern Mexico, where many spent the night.

The municipali­ty of some 45,000 people, along with churches and volunteers, offered some medicine and donated water, clothing baby formula and baby bottles.

As they reached the highway, families with young children packed sidewalks asking for donations and rides to the next stop, Pijijipiap­an, about 40 kilometres further ahead.

Still, Mexican officials say nearly 1,700 have dropped out of the caravan to apply for asylum in Mexico, and a few hundred have accepted government offers to bus them back to their home countries.

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