Toronto Star

We need to recognize gymnast’s bravery


Re Ontario woman testifies ex-gymnastics coach kissed her on the lips when she was 12 (Oct. 23) The woman who told this story should be recognized for being brave enough to tell it to the world and to inspire other people to tell theirs.

This woman suffered through the sexual offenses for seven years, indicating how hard it must have been for her to tell her story. Being embarrasse­d about what happened or being afraid that nobody would believe her is a factor that sexual assaults need to be taken seriously. It is unbelievab­le how even nowadays, our society judges, gossips and refuses to believe survivor stories, making it an unsafe environmen­t for all those people to stand up for themselves and put a stop to these unacceptab­le actions. We should be able to do better than sit idly by or continue blaming the victims. Ekaterina Perevarova, Toronto If the ex-gymnastics coach had indeed sexually assaulted one of his gymnastic students, he should be punished appropriat­ely. The woman who spoke out mentioned that Brubaker would kiss her on the lips and do other inappropri­ate actions. Brubaker had been initially charged with 10 sexual offences, but was only placed on administra­tive leave by Gymnastics Canada. The punishment Brubaker was not severe enough.

The fact that these sexual incidents occurred years ago, and the woman has only come out now shows how she has been greatly impacted by the sexual assaults.

She has not forgotten the incidents and should have the right to receive justice. As with any survivor, it is difficult for her to have shared her story, so her accusation­s should be taken seriously. Sophia Lebedko, Toronto

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