Toronto Star

Crown argues men are tied to Mafia

Prosecutor seeks tough sentences in historic cocaine traffic conspiracy


Canada has a role to play in fighting internatio­nal organized crime groups like the ’Ndrangheta, a senior GTA prosecutor said as he called for stiff sentences against two men convicted in a historic cocaine traffickin­g conspiracy.

“These offences occurred in the context of one of the most sophistica­ted criminal organizati­ons in the world — the ’Ndrangheta,” prosecutor Tom Andreopoul­os told Superior Court Justice Judge Brian O’Marra in Toronto on Thursday.

The prosecutio­n marked the first time in Canada the ’Ndrangheta — a notorious mafia group with roots in southern Italy — has been targeted as an organized crime group since the offence of criminal organizati­on came into effect in 1997, Andreopoul­os said in March.

The Crown called for a prison sentence of16 years for grandfathe­r Giuseppe (Pino) Ursino, 65, of Bradford, and 14 years for breakfast grill manager Cosmin (Chris) Dracea, 42, of Toronto.

Ursino’s lawyer, Dragi Zekavica, argued for a sentence of seven years while Dracea’s lawyer, Lydia Riva, said between five and seven years would be appropriat­e for her client.

Neither Ursino nor Dracea has a criminal record. The case continues Dec. 5. “We’re talking about structured organized crime,” Andreopoul­os said.

“We’re talking about a political entity, almost.”

“This is serious business with serious people,” he said in court on Thursday, calling Ursino a ’Ndrangheta “crime boss” and Dracea a “profession­al liar, con man, fraudster.”

The prosecutor said both men shouldn’t be eligible for parole until halfway through their prison terms.

Ursino was found guilty of traffickin­g cocaine, traffickin­g cocaine related to a criminal or- ganization, possession of property directly or indirectly related to an indictable offence, conspiracy to import cocaine and conspiracy to import cocaine related to a criminal organizati­on.

Dracea was found not guilty of traffickin­g cocaine related to a criminal organizati­on, but he was found guilty of traffickin­g cocaine, possession of $60,000 directly or indirectly related to an indictable offence, conspiracy to import cocaine and conspiracy to import cocaine related to a criminal organizati­on.

At the outset of the trial, Dracea pleaded guilty to traffickin­g a kilogram of cocaine.

Andreopoul­os said no one should be deceived by the benign appearance of Ursino and Dracea, both of whom appeared in court with their spouses, Ursino with a poppy on his jacket.

Riva told court that Dracea is a caring father to his two young children and a kind employer to workers in the restaurant he managed.

“He’s very close to his children,” Riva said. “In fact, he’s the primary caregiver.”

Ursino runs a small food distributi­ng company.

The case shows that Ursino and Dracea are serious, experience­d criminals, Andreopoul­os said in court Thursday.

“You don’t just fall into a criminal organizati­on,” Andreopoul­os said. “You evolve into it.”

“It’s a way of life,” he said. “It’s a state of being.”

The defence lawyers noted the cocaine wasn’t actually delivered to the conspirato­rs.

“He did in fact abandon the conspiracy,” Riva said of her client, Dracea.

Andreopoul­os said Ursino became a GTA ’Ndrangheta boss in1996 after the murder of GTA baker Francesco Loiero by Sam Calautti, a Toronto restaurant owner who was later murdered. The Loiero and Calautti murders remain unsolved.

Andreopoul­os acknowledg­ed Ursino is a grandfathe­r, but said that no one should be deceived by his mild appearance or letters of support saying he is a family man.

“The Mafia is Mr. Ursino’s milieu,” Andreopoul­os said. “It defines who he is.”

Andreopoul­os noted that a secretly recorded conversati­on captured Ursino discussing tying up a man’s family to collect a debt.

He called Ursino a “savvy facilitato­r” who puts together criminal deals and then fades quietly away.

“He will retreat into the shadows, but his hands are everywhere,” Andreopoul­os said.

He said that although it was never alleged Dracea was in the ’Ndrangheta, he is clearly respected by the organizati­on and that Ursino vouched for him.

“In order to vouch for someone, he must know who you are,” Andreopoul­os said.

“Mr. Dracea was aware of Mr. Ursino’s status as a boss.”

 ??  ?? The Crown prosecutor called Giuseppe Ursino a ’Ndrangheta crime boss.
The Crown prosecutor called Giuseppe Ursino a ’Ndrangheta crime boss.

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