Toronto Star

Expect delays at Union

Work put off to 2019, four years after deadline, disappoint­ing city


The revitaliza­tion of Union Station has been pushed back yet again to 2019 — the latest delay in the three years since it was originally meant to be finished.

The City of Toronto has been “disappoint­ed and frustrated” with these delays, said city spokespers­on Erin McGuey.

“The Union Station Revitaliza­tion Project, seemingly along with a number of other Bondfield constructi­on projects across the province, has experience­d significan­t delays in recent months,” she said.

When the constructi­on was originally approved in 2009, with a timeline for completion in 2015, constructi­on company Carillion Canada Inc. was hired to carry out the work. Carillion had only completed the first phase of the project before Bondfield Constructi­on Inc. replaced them. Bondfield has missed deadlines on several projects in the past, including renovation­s on GO transit stations in the GTA.

McGuey said that “significan­t progress” has been made since the beginning of the revitaliza­tion, “including completion of the York Concourse, the VIA Panorama lounge, two new bike parking stations, and the dig down under to create a new retail level under the station, and food court under the York concourse.”

What remains to be finished is restoratio­n of the Great Hall, the VIA Concourse, the new Bay Concourse and retail level, and “glass moat covers,” to protect commuters entering at street level from the elements.

The project has experience­d numerous delays. The last delay — from an early 2018 finish date to a late 2018 one — added $22.8 million to the budget. McGuey said the current approved budget has not changed from $823 million. McGuey was unable to say just when in 2019 the work on the station will be completed.

“The city has taken action, including involving Bondfield’s surety company Zurich Insurance Company Ltd., under its performanc­e bond to help ensure the project is completed as quickly and cost-efficientl­y as possible,” McGuey said.

The city is in discussion­s with both Zurich and Bondfield on a revised timeline, she added.

“The city is actively managing this project, and will assess all future options to ensure its completion,” McGuey said.

Once completed, Union Station — which sees over 300,000 visitors daily according to McGuey, making it the country’s busiest transporta­tion hub — will be able to support twice as many pedestrian­s and be adining, shopping and gathering hub, she said.

 ?? STEVE RUSSELL TORONTO STAR ?? Union Station’s revitaliza­tion was to be done by 2015. Missed deadlines have added to the cost.
STEVE RUSSELL TORONTO STAR Union Station’s revitaliza­tion was to be done by 2015. Missed deadlines have added to the cost.

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