Toronto Star


Individual­s now working doing what they want after going back to school


Contemplat­ing a later-in-life career switch and need a little pep talk? Meet four Canadians who turned their second career dream into a reality with a bold return to the books.

A former law-school graduate, Ele Pawelski worked overseas for 12 years before returning to Ryerson University to obtain a master’s degree in public policy and administra­tion. She now works for the Ontario government and is eyeing a third career as an author.

“My advice to others considerin­g a career switch would be to have a plan,” she says. “If your new identified career is quite different or involves changing locations like mine did, start to make contacts and network while you take actions to make this change. I decided to change it all up in eight weeks and move locations. If I’d had a plan I like to think I would have started my new career much sooner than I actually did.”

Paul Koros now works as a selfemploy­ed consultant for start-up and early stage companies after switching from his first career as a profession­al engineer. He returned to school to study accounting and attended the CPA Western School of Business in Edmonton.

“My biggest challenge was relearning how to learn. Somehow my 40-something brain did not absorb new knowledge the same way it did in my teens and 20s,” he says. “I also didn’t have the stamina to stay up late cramming and doing assignment­s last minute. That said, I had to learn to pace myself, working a few hours every day.”

After completing an undergradu­ate degree in criminolog­y and justice studies and working with her local police force, Jennifer Foden returned to school to complete a post-graduate certificat­e at Centennial College in book and magazine publishing and has been a writer and editor ever since.

“I was super unhappy in my job. I remember turning to my partner at the time and asking him: ‘What would you do if you could do anything in the world?’ Without a second to spare, he said: ‘I’d do what I’m doing now.’ That was a pivotal/eye-opening moment for me,” Foden says. “My advice for anyone leaving their current industry would be to do your research and talk to people working in that field. And, of course, get your finances in order because school is expensive.”

Katie Conti was initially employed in the field of marketing research after obtaining a bachelor of commerce, then made a switch to elementary school teacher after returning to the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and obtaining a bachelor of education.

“It was just a regular work day, completing a regular project when I just had the very real thought that maybe that wasn’t what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. The switch itself wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be ... I would do it again! Returning to school is a different experience when it is driven by the desire to follow a passion. Be prepared for a major shift and enjoy the adventure.”

 ?? IStock ?? Four profession­als who changed what they do for a living offer advice on how to make the switch.
IStock Four profession­als who changed what they do for a living offer advice on how to make the switch.

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