Toronto Star

Community planning can hurt housing affordabil­ity

- Dave Wilkes

It’s a common misconcept­ion that land can quickly be designated for building homes, or that new condominiu­ms can be built anywhere, any time.

The reality is that land-use planning and developmen­t is governed by a complex process under the provincial government’s Planning Act. And when it comes to building new communitie­s around the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), that process is currently stalled.

New communitie­s in the suburbs have traditiona­lly played an important role in providing cost-effective, familyorie­nted housing to accommodat­e population growth. These communitie­s are built on lands referred to by planners as Designated Greenfield Community Lands, which have been added to municipal boundaries in anticipati­on of future growth needs. “Greenfield” refers to undevelope­d land and is not to be confused with the Greenbelt, the protected land surroundin­g the Golden Horseshoe.

Before shovels can hit the ground, greenfield land has to go through a multi-step planning process to determine all the features and aspects of the future community. It is not uncommon for the policy planning stage to take five-to-10 years and the developmen­t planning and building process to take another five-to-10 years. That means it can take a minimum of 10 years to move from a raw piece of land to the start of a new community.

In 2006 and then in 2017, the provincial government introduced new requiremen­ts in the planning process through its Places to Grow plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe area. These had the praisewort­hy objective of encouragin­g the developmen­t of complete communitie­s that are compact, transitsup­portive and that make efficient use of investment­s in infrastruc­ture and public service facilities.

Unfortunat­ely, they also significan­tly encumbered and lengthened the landdevelo­pment process. Specifical­ly, the 2006 plan introduced density targets and planning requiremen­ts that municipali­ties struggled to meet. In 2017, the plan changed those requiremen­ts and municipali­ties now essentiall­y need to start all over again.

So, while there is enough land to meet the region’s developmen­t needs through to 2031, a big part of that land is delayed by planning and approvals needed to allow homes to be built. This is one of the key constraint­s affecting the developmen­t of new communitie­s around the GTHA and is having a significan­t impact on the cost of land. Since 2006, lot values around the GTHA have tripled and, in some cases, nearly quadrupled.

We will all feel the effects of this bottleneck if nothing changes. As we continue to fall behind on building new housing, inflationa­ry pressures will ripple through the housing market, affecting the prices of both new homes and resale homes.

We need to make it quicker and easier to move land already earmarked for developmen­t through the planning and approval process, and build more homes in a timely manner.

It’s a crucial step in solving our region’s generation­al challenge around housing affordabil­ity.

David Wilkes is president and CEO of the Building Industry and Land Developmen­t Associatio­n (BILD) and a contributo­r for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @bildgta

 ?? GRAEME ROY THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? Density targets are well-intentione­d but miss the mark, Dave Wilkes writes.
GRAEME ROY THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO Density targets are well-intentione­d but miss the mark, Dave Wilkes writes.
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