Toronto Star

Yoga story a hilarious brightener


Re Mom fights York school board over yoga in class, Nov. 28

I would like to thank the Star for finding a humorous article to put on the front page with all the upsetting news.

The fact that a mother has such an aggressive reaction to a minor infraction on the part of a school or school board is nothing but hilarious.

Our students are being faced with guns in schools, our young adults are dying because of drug overdoses and this person’s complaint is that her child was exposed to the teachings of one of the most passive religions in the world.

It is my hope that when the child did have the opportunit­y to meditate, she reflected on tolerance and inclusiven­ess. The child attends our public-school system. The operative word is “public,” where students can be exposed to a variety of ethnic and religious background­s.

This parent should not be asking the school to change its curriculum, but rather move the child to the Catholic school system, which is unnecessar­ily funded by our provincial government and an affront to other religions. Bryn Styles, Barrie

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