Toronto Star

Compromise seems out of the question


Re Real leaders don’t burn bridges, Sears, Dec. 9

When writing that leadership in government must be built on compromise, Robin V. Sears cites the difference of opinion between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Doug Ford on how to combat climate change.

The problem with his solution — compromise on the part of the Prime Minister — is that one cannot compromise with a bully. He will interpret this as his victory, giving him permission to make more demands. Continuing the cap-and-trade system would have demonstrat­ed the Premier’s willingnes­s to recognize a successful program, even though it was brought in by the previous government.

Compromise demands a readiness for both sides to listen as objectivel­y as possible to the points raised by the other side. Premier Ford has shown no ability or desire to follow that path. Carol Libman, Toronto In an otherwise thoughtful commentary on the late U.S. president George H.W. Bush, Robin V. Sears can’t resist taking a shot at Justin Trudeau. Just another example of how Liberals and NDPers will never get along. In contrastin­g campaignin­g and governing, probably the greatest shortcomin­g of this current Liberal government was over promising and underdeliv­ering.

The only fiasco of the First Ministers Meeting is our “on the wrong side of history” Conservati­ve premiers, who prefer to disrupt rather than show the leadership necessary to battle the existentia­l crisis of global climate change. Peter Bertollo, Brampton

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