Toronto Star




This year you experience a willingnes­s to take charge. Others respond well to you. If you are willing to move ahead and learn more in your field, a promotion or pay raise could be a possibilit­y. If you are single, you have many choices to make. You might want to do some soul-searching about what type of relationsh­ip you desire. If you are attached, this year is very romantic. You and your partner cannot seem to get enough time together. Libra often gets impatient with you.


In the morning, you might be more argumentat­ive than you realize. If you want a job done your way, you might need to do it yourself. By midafterno­on, you feel a difference. Tonight: At a favourite restaurant.


Get an early start on your day. You might hit an obstacle, but you will bypass it more quickly than you had anticipate­d. Clear up a disagreeme­nt. Emphasize the positives of your interactio­ns with the other party. Tonight: Out with friends.


You could be tired of the holidays and want a change of pace. You do not need to start an argument just to create some excitement; it will happen anyway. By midafterno­on, a loved one or potential sweetie drops in on you. Go with the flow. Tonight: Celebrate the weekend in style.


Speak your mind, but make sure that your words are not fighting ones. Otherwise, you could hit a problem. You want the other party to hear your message and not get triggered. Tonight: A good time is had by all.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

Your ability to move through a problem allows you greater flexibilit­y and contentmen­t. You do not see a situation in the same light that others do. If another party becomes combative, you might choose not to react. Tonight: Out late.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

Throughout the week you have perked up considerab­ly; however, someone appears to have an issue with you. Remember that you do not need to react. Accept an invitation to join friends later in the day. All of you have a lot of news to share. Tonight: Let the chatter continue.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

In the morning, you might feel off. You likely will need to clear the air. At first, you could be upset by all the arguing. Later, however, a resolution will help you to calm down. Your mood will be much more upbeat as a result. Tonight: Out on the town.


You could be out with friends or in a meeting at work as you hear an argument start from out of the blue. As you listen to what is being discussed, you are likely to gain a new understand­ing of the parties involved. Tonight: You need some R and R.


You might find that a boss is being fussy and difficult. Just hang in there. Still, you might find that someone is trying to start an argument around you. It is your call whether you want to get involved. Make plans to be with friends or someone special. Tonight: Swap holiday tales.


You might want to share more of your vision of what could happen if you were to free yourself up. You could find that a loved one is threatened by what you share, and you might need to talk through this problem together. Both of you will be happier if you do. Tonight: Say "yes."


If you are not careful, you could make a big problem for yourself. Deal with a loved one directly. You have a way about you that draws many people toward you. There can be an element of jealousy around you at times. Tonight: As you like it.


You could be too tired to continue at this present pace. Someone close to you is likely to push your buttons in an attempt to get you energized. Be aware of what this person is doing. Tonight: TGIF with a special friend.

BORN TODAY: Comedian Seth Meyers (1973), singer-songwriter John Legend (1978), actor Denzel Washington (1954) jacqueline­

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