Toronto Star

#MeToo movement must move forward


Re So, what’s next?, Dec. 30

I agree with Michelle Shephard that the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the treatment of Christine Blasey-Ford show the need to push forward with the #MeToo movement.

However, I would also say that the fact that Shephard felt the need to apologize for adding her voice to the conversati­on proves the need to push forward as well.

As a woman who has been assaulted and harassed, I’m tired of the way we apologize for ourselves and our opinions. Even though Shephard clearly has strong feelings on the subject and cried, like I and so many women did, when Blasey-Ford testified, it is her who is apologizin­g for speaking out.

Vinay Menon, on the other hand, makes no apologies. So many men, although never personally victimized, do not hesitate to share their thoughts, while women still have to worry that we will be perceived as “hysterical,” as Shephard says.

Men might fear being falsely accused, but I would challenge them to walk around with the fear we experience every day — that we will be cat-called, harassed or assaulted — and then criticized for the way we share our experience­s when those fears are realized.

Until women are comfortabl­e sharing their voices and encouraged to do so, this movement will be necessary. Christine Aziz, Brooklyn, N.Y.

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