Toronto Star

President doesn’t miss opportunit­y to tell falsehoods


U.S. President Donald Trump lied his way through a visit to the Mexican border on Thursday, returning again and again to false claims as he attempted to promote his proposed wall project.

He unleashed the dishonesty barrage, which included at least 10 false or misleading claims, as he escalated his threat to declare a “national emergency” if he cannot persuade Democrats to agree to spend $5.7 billion on the border wall.

He said he would “probably” declare an emergency, if there was no deal to end the 20-daylong government shutdown he initiated because of the wall dispute, and he added, “I would almost say definitely.”

The shutdown will be the lon- gest in U.S. history if it continues until Saturday, as appears likely.

Trump’s dishonesty Thursday began even before he left Washington. He told reporters that, when he had promised during his campaign that Mexico would pay for the wall, he had never said this would be a direct payment.

“Obviously, I never said this, and I never meant, ‘they’re going to write out a cheque,’ ” he said, adding: “When I said ‘Mexico will pay for the wall,’ in front of thousands and thousands of people, obviously they’re not going to write a cheque. They are paying for the wall indirectly.” He had not promised a “cheque” during the campaign, although he explicitly said “they may even write us a cheque,” but he had, in fact, made clear he was talking about a direct payment; a document still on his campaign website promised he would threaten Mexico with financial harm until it made an “easy” decision: “make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion.”

Trump claimed that the indirect payment he is now talking about would effectivel­y be made by Mexico through the new North American trade agreement he has negotiated with Canada and Mexico.

Even if the agreement is approved — Congress might take years before voting on it — it will never create a funding stream that can be allocated to an infrastruc­ture project.

When he arrived in McAllen, Texas, for an immigratio­n roundtable at a Border Patrol station, Trump derided critics who dismiss walls as outdated and ineffectiv­e.

He said some old technology, such as the wheel, is timeless.

“A wheel is older than a wall,” he said.

He repeated it a few seconds later: “The wheel is older than the wall. Do you know that?” Defensive walls predate wheels by thousands of years. (Jericho’s famous wall existed around 8,000 BC; the wheel is thought to have been invented around 3,500 BC.)

Trump again sought to use past presidents to bolster his case for the wall, suggesting that they, too, had wanted to build a wall: “They were going to build this wall in 2003, in 2006. They were going to build it 20 years ago. They were going to build it forever.” While George W. Bush approved 700 miles of border fencing in 2006 — not the kind of giant concrete wall Trump campaigned on. Democrat Bill Clinton was president 20 years ago, and he made no effort to build a wall. Nor did Republican predecesso­rs George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan; indeed, Reagan explicitly opposed the idea.

After leaving the immigratio­n roundtable in McAllen, Texas, Trump, trying to exaggerate the problem of illegal immigratio­n, said of the Border Patrol: “They have done a fantastic job. Never so many apprehensi­ons, ever, in our history.”

In reality, the number of apprehensi­ons on the Mexican border in 2018, about 400,000, was not even a quarter of the total in 2000.

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