Toronto Star

Do it for the kids


If there was ever a season to get the flu shot, this one is it — for so many reasons.

First, this year’s H1N1 “swine flu” strain is toughest on kids and young adults, who have not built up the immunity to this particular strain that older generation­s have.

In fact, the Public Health Agency of Canada reports that twice as many children have been admitted to pediatric hospitals for the viral illness so far this year as last, and the number is three times what it was two years ago.

More children are also being sent to intensive care units than in recent seasons.

The best way to protect kids — as young as six months old — is, of course, to get them vaccinated.

But adults should also get the shot to stop the spread of the disease to children and other vulnerable people.

Second, this year’s flu shot is a good match against the dominant H1N1 strain, which means it’s more effective.

Indeed, preliminar­y data from Australia, which has already had its flu season, indicates that people who were vaccinated were 68 per cent less likely to see a doctor or nurse practition­er for the flu, compared to those who didn’t get the shot.

Third, there’s evidence that getting a shot every year provides some cumulative protection for future years.

That’s important for people of all ages, since in a typical year more than12,000 Canadians end up in hospital with influenza and some 3,500 die.

Yet more than two-thirds of Canadians choose not to get the flu vaccine, even though it’s widely available from doctors, nurse practition­ers, local public health units and pharmacies.

The good news is it’s not too late to take advantage of the vaccine this season. So do yourself and the kids a favour: get your shot.

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